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  1. Does anyone know if the Smith Mill pond in Oakland is open to the public or a private pond? Thanks Reddog
  2. There is a store on the highway by the provicial park that carries the map of Martin river but McPhee and Bruce aren't on it because of there size. I bought mine for $9.00. Reddog
  3. Hi wvmedic I would recommend Martin river, Lake Wicksteed and Red cedar lake. Martin river has walleye , lake trout ,small mouth bass and pike. Its has a provincial park to camp at. Red Cedar lake and Lake Wicksteed has walleye, small mouth bass and pike. There is only crown land camping on these lakes. All these lakes would be easy to fish with your 14' boat nor matter what the weather is like( lots areas that to get out of the wind). You can get maps on line at www.adventurefishingmaps.on.ca or at the store outside the Martin River provinial park. All these lakes are 1/2 hr drive north of Northbay. Red Dog
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