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Posts posted by Garfisher

  1. Pretty much all the lakes along the highway 60 corridor in Algonquin Park that did have self-sustaining brook trout populations no longer have brook trout due to smallmouth bass introductions, only Opeongo has a very tiny remnant of a population left as well as Costello (although they were restocked to create a new population). Smallies are too efficient of a littoral zone predator for brookies to successfully compete with. That being said, as a put and take fishery, stocking brookies into a waterbody with smallmouth wouldn't be too bad as the brookies would be large enough to eat larger prey items. The ones in Opeongo that do make it are in pretty good shape.

  2. Early June is the "heat" of the blackflies almost everywhere in Algonquin (at least it was the past two years and this year looks no different). The dirty little buggers were thick until July in some parts. Definitely go with bug jackets/nets or bug spray, if not you WILL (not exaggerating haha) have close to hundreds of blackflies on you biting/looking to bite. Bug spray/bug netting means you'll have hundreds on you but not biting haha.


    P.S. if the blackflies have slowed down by then, the mosquitoes will be there in high numbers

  3. Haha I do enjoy bass more than trout I must admit, and some of the lakes out there are just full of bass around a foot long.


    They're also introduced in Ontario, they were originally restricted to the Mississippi drainage and nearby waters. As were largemouth, if I recall correctly.

    They are native to the Great Lakes, the St.Lawrence, and the Ottawa (plus tributaries) as well, however they're widely introduced elsewhere in the province B) . For instance there's bass in Algonquin Park in the north end, which are native, but the bass in the 60 corridor are all introduced populations. There are even lakes in the northwest corner of the park that are natural rock bass/brook trout lakes.

  4. akaShag I'm all for that idea. It would be great to create a partnership where commercial harvest is reduced or eliminated while efforts are made to boost populations of walleye in Nipissing. However, considering the first nations are entitled to harvest fish commerically as long as the populations aren't in serious trouble (i.e. the walleye are dangerously close to becoming extirpated/population crashing), I think they would be as opposed to reducing their harvest significantly as anglers would be opposed to further reducing the daily creel limit.

  5. That's not how the regulations work though. Fisheries are split up as follows: Native personal/ceremonial, Native commercial, Commercial, then Recreational. Restrictions will be put on recreational fisheries before commercial fisheries almost always. It's a federal regulation under the Fisheries Act if I remember correctly. Plus the commercial fishery on Nipissing is Native, so good luck trying to get them to reduce their harvest when there is a recreational fishery going on for the same species.

  6. Yea cause it's not like the MNR samples the lake using calibrated methods and gear (Fall Walleye Index Netting, Near Shore Community Index Netting, and Broad-Scale Monitoring to name a few) and uses the results to extrapolate to how much of a population there is or anything. However, the rumour of the limit going to 1 is probably as legitimate as the the rumours about the MNR opening Cisco in Simcoe next year. Until the MNR suggests it in a public document don't hold your breath about it the limit going down to 1.

  7. Go about 200' out in front of the spirit catcher right downtown (should be roughly 24-28 feet) lots of perch around but not too big. May need to move a short distance every hour or so if the fish turn off under the hole, and I did get into herring every half hour or so the two times I fished there this winter. Good luck fishing whereever you decide to head out to!

  8. Super Secret Insider Pro Tip (well maybe not that secret or pro): If your local CT has the key chains and you have the proper/appropriately sized trebles and split rings, buy the key chains. I bought 2 of em tonight for $5.99 each and stuck hooks on em and tub tested them. They ran perfectly fine. Plus the European Rapala website states that they "are an exact copy of the lures, just without the hooks." Much cheaper than what the website had the lures at ($12.99 or $13.99, can't remember, couldn't find them there recently)

  9. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=63415

    That's the one I think you're looking for. It's too bad that it happened, successful tourney with lots of anglers and many fish caught. The only problem I see with a catch and keep tourney is that it could be a lot of fish removed from the lake (although perfectly legal) if the bite is on that weekend. And I'm sure the locals wouldn't exactly like to see that many walleye harvested from their local waters (although a nice little boost of money to the local economy).

    Edit: Don't mind the highlighted words in the thread, used the search tool so the terms used are still highlighted.

  10. Was at the game last night. I didn't notice any embellishments myself (although I know I missed a couple of the infractions). Both teams played hard last night, there were non calls on trips and even a too many men by the knights. London controlled the 1st 2 periods after Barrie scored on the 1st shift of the game. Niederberger held the Colts in for the entire game, and then the Colts woke up in the 3rd. Ryan Rupert was involved in an altercation with around 34 seconds left, where he was pushed into Niederberger by Laser, and then gave Niederberger a couple shots. London is by no means out of the series, Barrie needs to finish off the Knights as soon as possible, the Knights could easily force a Game 7 (and win) judging by the way they have played in the series

  11. Anything that floats or suspends will work fine. My favorites are the Original Floaters and the Skitter Walk (with the bottom hook of each treble removed, works pretty well actually). They are tough to hook, however they are aggressive and usually numerous so you will catch one eventually. I've never gotten more than 4 in a couple hours.

  12. Holland River would likely have em, they spawn in May. They'll hit a variety of stuff, full nightcrawlers are probably the simplest bait to use for them (and they rarely refuse nightcrawlers). Set the hook hard when they bite, they have pretty bony mouths. The gular plate that bowfin have (under the mouth, gills lead to it) is a good spot to get ahold of them, however I wouldn't suggest lifting them by it. Just use it to get ahold of the fish and then support the fish with your other hand. Grabbing them like pike using the gill plate would be another way to grab them, or a net would do the job as well lol. They are pretty tough to grab otherwise

  13. Ah, good memories of that park. Got my 1st pike there before having the same buzzbait get eaten by a much larger one. Very nice park, it is definitely a park that anyone with a canoe or kayak should try to camp at. Very nice pics, and some good pike too!!

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