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About Hellfish

  • Birthday 08/09/1983

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  1. So after looking into operators for Feb 16 and the reports I have been getting I am not confident at all about what I am hearing. I am thinking of booking with Terry Goy but all the reports I have heard are all little perch. I have all the equipment I need to be successful out there just not sure where to go if I was to head out without a operator. Can anyone give any good suggestions? Thanks in advance
  2. If anyone is interested I made a simple cross out of wood and mounted the transducer on the bottom. IMO it worked great, I got it out for a little test drive on a local canal and it worked out pretty well. I still have to fine tune it and what not but it worked pretty well!!! The elite 4 HDI has a lot of nice features in it, I think I can get used to this Thanks for the input everyone it is appreciated!
  3. Yeah I have the transducer for soft water, is it possible to post a picture of your set up? I'm going to bass pro to get a battery or two so I just need to find a case and figure out how to rig the transducer
  4. So I bought the lowrance Elite 4 Hdi with the transducer, so I need to figure out how to rig it for ice fishing. I suppose I get a stick and run the transducer vertically down the stick, and obviously have the transducer at the bottom of the stick. From there does the stick need to be mounted on something so the transducer stays proper?
  5. We booked a hut with Kristas on Halls lake I hope we get something for our efforts lol
  6. My wife and I are heading to Loreale (sp) cabins in Haliburton highlands I guess. We are fishing halls lake. Any suggestions for the lake Chris as I know you are from the area?
  7. it is before the last weekend in january
  8. LOL The bag was just a added bonus. But 229 for the elite 4 and 100 for transducer and 40 for the battery which puts me above the Marcum VX and the FL 28 which are both ready to fish. Anyone see anything the Elite 4x does over the Marcum? I do not have a boat so that will not be my determining factor.
  9. How are the Eagles? This is really my first electronic and have no preference or experience with anything. I hear really good things about Marcum, Vex and Lowrance which all are the most expensive ones LOL. I really like the features of the Elite 4 as it can be used as a electronic flasher or a graph. I actually used a Vex once and it was great and that would be in the same price range of 350 as well.
  10. yeah for sure, I have been looking. Procrastination really ends up biting me on the butt on this one . We booked a trip up to Haliburton and would love a unit before going up there.
  11. Thanks a lot for the Info I really appreciate it!
  12. Hey Gang I am curious as to what everyone uses on the ice for electronics. I am having a heck of a time finding either a flasher or a Fishable ready to go Ice fish finder, everyone seems to be sold out of just about everything. Seeing as I am in Niagara I am limited of local options but I am open for suggestions. I really like the features of the Lowrance Elite 4X, I can pick up the Elite 4x for $229 but then it is a $100 for the transducer and another 100 for the carrying bag which puts me up the Marcum VX. Very much a dilemma!!!! Helppppp!
  13. Thanks I forgot to add it is for Simcoe I appreciate it!
  14. How is this hut? Any personal experience with this one?
  15. Just looking for the best operator for the February 14th weekend. I primarily want perch but if there's a possibility for Perch and Lake trout I am all ears Thanks in advance
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