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Everything posted by davec72

  1. davec72


    not alot of size, couple 5s couple 3s and rest were 1.5 lbs pike we did get a 10lbs couple 7s but lots take care Dave
  2. davec72


  3. 100% agree with that statement !
  4. davec72


    just got back from bay of quinte ,what a trip memories forever, best fishing i have had foe along time ,stayed at blakewood lodge ,nice folks stayed in a cabin small but good for the 3 of us .We killed the heck out of walleye monday evening and tuesday evening wow numbers were in the high 30s lol.During the day we fished pike what a freakin blast i dont know what the count was but my arms were sore also lots of bass that were cared for and released quickly .this was a great trip cant wait to do it again good luck to all
  5. Blackberry is canadian say no more come on we have to get with it ! BUY CANADIAN!
  6. Dude there is lots of ice over a foot in most area's I was there on weekend lots of cars on ice.I drive an avalanche and i was out on lake from south river by callender,there is like a foot of snow on it now but there was an easy 13' of ice where i was........
  7. Hows the fishin up on nip so far this year,I was up last weekend around the south river area ,we killed them,going back friday morning cant wait love the hardwater brothers...........Dave
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