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Everything posted by Paloon

  1. Well the Grand in the KW Cambridge area was still high and chocolaty so i figured why waste my time for bass. I'd try my luck in the upper grand. (Elora) At least there I have a chance of catching something. The scenery is just awesome. If you have not fished this area then you should. It's one of the nicest spots in southern Ontario. Anyways I lost 5 and landed one bow and one brown. Lots of fun.
  2. Wow what a fish...I've often wondered if the eyes come up this far upriver. I've heard of eyes in the brantford area of the grand and the nith but not Cambridge. And I can attest that it is in fact Cambridge as I recognize the old restaurant in the background. What time of year was the beast caught? Lets hope that there is a resident walleye population in the Cambridge area.
  3. Hello all...I attended... and I was a little disappointed. The presentations went on too long so there was NO time for Q&A regarding how the GRCA and its partners were specifically improving the fishery in the KW, Cambridge, Paris and Brant sections. All I heard was the great work they have done on the upper section...Bellwood to West Montrose. That's fine and great...I love fishing that section but I feel that other areas of the river are passed over and the upper grand is where the main focus of improvement projects have and are taking place.
  4. I stayed at Bay wolf Camp last year eary sept last year and our group all caught fish. West Shining Tree lake gives up its fair share of fish but like terry said the back lakes is where its at. Either way you can't go wrong up there...I've got my trip this year booked for the second week of july...can't wait. Just so ya know west shining tree lake has a tea stain to it while the back lakes I fished were spring fed and crystal clear.
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