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  1. Great to finally meet you in person T.J. and your lovely wife. Thanks for making the introductions! Lawrence and Maestro
  2. Please stop by and say hi to me and Maestro -- booth 1011 Lawrence Euteneier www.blindfishingboat.com
  3. 2009 was an incredible year. A number of new talking electronics were sea-trialed, 14 fishing excursions were hosted involving 34 youth and adults with vision loss and 74 recently disabled vets, and key-note presentations were given at fishing tournaments involving a total of 546 fishers with vision loss. Outreach activities included 14 presentations and exhibits at six outdoor events for a total of 182 hours. Additionally, feature articles in 15 fishing journals and mainstream papers and over 45 minutes of TV and radio time all contributed to get the message out about the importance of ensuring the sport of fishing is open to the over 11 million Canadians and Americans with vision loss. The below links will take you to featured reports of Maestro my guide dog and my adventures on the water. A big thanks to my sponsors for their tremendous support and all those who volunteered their time and expertise. I very much look forward to working with all of you in 2010 as the Blind Fishing Boat initiative reaches out to even greater numbers of people with vision loss and their families and friends. Best to all of you in 2010. Be sure to drop by and say hi at one of the up-coming Ottawa or Toronto Sportsman or Fishing Shows. Anchors up, Lawrence Euteneier Captain Blind Fishing Boat .Com Blind Fishing Boat 2009 Featured Reports: 2009 Year-End Highlights http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=521 North Carolina Visually Impaired Persons Fishing Tournament 2009 http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=533 Stingray Close Encounter http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=518 Blind Fishing Boat Goes “Green” http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=515 Drop Shotting with Charles Sim http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=503 Instructions on Fishing with Blind Fishers http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=501 Renegade Pro/Am 2009 http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=459 Blind Guy’s Triathlon http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=478 “Be the One” – Fishing the B1 Bass Tournament http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=437 CNIB Lake Joseph Fish Camp http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=469 Profile, July 2009 Ontario Out-of-Doors http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=455 White-Tip Shark in Jupiter http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=410 No Barriers USA 2009 Festival http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=403 21st. Blind Anglers International Tournament http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=401 Carp Zone Canada – First Edition http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=397 Seminars@Hadley Presents: http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=379 Accommodating Outdoor Enthusiasts with Disabilities http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=376 The Sightless Fishing Advantage http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=365 Spincast Reels and Fishers without Sight http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=333 Lawrence Euteneier Email: [email protected] Web: www.blindfishingboat.com
  4. BlindFishingBoat.Com is pleased to be able to announce the following news for people who have difficulty reading regular print: The management at the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) recognizes that certain OFAH members may not be able to read the print articles appearing in monthly print issues of Ontario Out-of-Doors due to their having a print disability. To this end, OFAH management, after consulting with the Chief Editor of Ontario Out-of-Doors magazine and their field editors, has decided to distribute articles in an electronic format directly to OFAH members with print disabilities. By providing articles in an accessible electronic format, OFAH members with print disabilities will now be able to access Ontario Out-of-Doors magazine articles in their preferred format (e.g. Braille, synthesized audio or large print). The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) provides electronic texts of Ontario Out-of-Doors articles for the sole use of OFAH members with print disabilities. No unauthorized copying or distribution is permitted. Copyright of the text rests with OFAH. To receive the e-text service, individuals must be a member of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and have a print disability. To become a member of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and to sign up for the E-Text distribution service, contact: Ian Deslauriers Member Services Coordinator Club Membership/Services Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Tel: 705-748-6324 Ext. 250
  5. Hey folks, Been a while since I posted an up-date on the Blind Fishing Boat initiative, so here goes… Fishing the Berkley B1 Bass Tourney http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=437 Capture of a 300lb+ White Tip Shark http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=410 Co-organizing the adaptive fishing sessions at the No Barriers USA Festival in Miami http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=403 Participating in the Carp Zone Tournament -- First Edition http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=397 Competing in the 21st Blind Anglers International Tournament as the first ever blind pro http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=401 Providing on-line fishing seminars through the Hadley School for the Blind http://www.hadley-school.org/2_f_past_seminar_hadley.asp Coming activities include: Competing in the Renegade Bass Pro-Am July 4. http://www.renegadebass.com/e/Pro-Am.html Organizing a week of fishing instruction for the over-90 campers staying at the CNIB’s Lake Joseph Centre. http://www.blindfishingboat.com/?p=383 Participating in a Triathlon to raise money for cancer on July 11 http://blindguystri.com Tons more reports have been posted and many more activities still to come. Anchors Up, Lawrence Euteneier Captain Blindfishingboat.com 613-298-3028 [email protected]
  6. Hey Jay, I enjoyed your company and a big thanks for agreeing to come along -- you're one heck of a cook! I think the highlight for me was being in the boat Tuesday afternoon after snow squall after squall blew through and each time the bite would just light up. The calm blue sky moments in-between were an absolute contrast. Miles left back for the U.K. Sunday evening; we dropped him off on the way back up from the St. Lawrence where he managed to land four excellent Carp. I personally managed to establish a new pb with a 33lb 8oz tank that worked hard on trying to remove my right arm from its socket. A real blast Jay, good stuff!
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