Hi Bill,
Yes the eight ball is a good one as well.
Another of my favorites is the Highlander Blacksmith Smoker Porter by the Highlander Brewing company located north of Algonquin park.
I also like to stop by the Church Key brewing company north east of Campbellford in the summer for free samples.
They make some great beer for taste testing.
Hi Bill,
Give this one a try if you can find it in stock at the LCBO store.
Beau's The Tom Green Beer. It is an Ontario Milk Stout which is great, 5% 600ml bottles @ $4.85 each SKU #365627.
If i find it in stock at the LCBO, i buy evey bottle they have.
Ha Guys,
My wife just called me here at work. UPS delivered the vest at around 12:30 today. I will have a look at the added fees when i get home at 4:00 today and post the total amount.
Thanks Ross
O.K. Charged $25.30 brokage fee plus $7.87 GST plus $4.72 PST and $1.27 GST on Brokage fee .
Nice looking vest.
Thanks Ross
It happened at 3:00 am in the pitch dark in an old Ranger with a 150HP at 55 MPH . The driver only own the boat for a couple of months and used it a total of 2 times before the accident. I watched as the driver was arrested after blowing over 3 times the limit. Two of the younger boys returned to New York with very serious injuries. The other local injured man is in Sunnybrook under going his second operation to try and save his arm.
The driver was arrested at 3:30 am and was back in camp by 9:00 am having coffee sitting on his deck. The OPP was still there reconstructing the crime scene on the boat.
Some things are just wrong on so many levels.
Also the Chex tv news reports are wrong, they were not fishing. They were joy riding with a man who was drinking all day and night.
I hope every thing works out for all the injured and the driver gets what he deserves.
Don't drink and drive