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Everything posted by Bill3kids

  1. Wow - its been almost 10 years since I have been on this website and i still remembered my password . Still fishing after those years mainly in Bruce Pennisula area. And my Bill1kid is now Bill3kids - time flies Not sure about etiquette (edicate?) and resurrecting old threads on this site, but thinking of heading to Birch Lake (near Webbwood) and this post came up in a search and led me to try logging in... Anyone know if there any Crown Land suitable for camping on Birch Lake? According to Ministry site there is some crown land at the north part of the lake - just not sure if its suitable for pulling boat up on shore and setting up a tent for 2 or 3 days. And does this lake get a fair bit of fishing pressure in summer? Are there many cottages on the lake? Appreciate if anyone has any info - Cheers
  2. Hoping to get out this weekend, but have never fished in Lake Ont. How far offshore are guys charting fish now and other than rolling the dice, any preferred colour to use? Also with the price of gas / where the fish are, is there better places to start out from (ie-Pickering or Mississauga?). We are in North York and Bluffers is closest Thanks - appreciate the help!
  3. Hey guys - anyone have a 520C? Got one from Bass Pro when they were on sale last month and it did not come with some of the NMEA 2000 stuff. There is no T Connectors or 120ohm terminators. That stuff is all great but for now all I have is the one sonar/gps unit (no speed sensor either). Do I need any of that or can the GPS antenna (lgc-3000)plug directly into the the 520 unit just using the supplied extension cable. I have someone telling that it must be installed with the T connector. I am not really clear if the T connector / terminators actually is supposed to come with the unit. Thanks in advance for any replies
  4. Ahhh Sandbanks and East Lake. Many fond memories there in the old days - chicks and fish. There used to be healthy numbers of fair sized pike and walleye in East Lake. (Caught a 5.2 lb walleye there once). Next time get that canoe out early in the am or in the evening. Also try a few casts in the river going by Martens Campground (if its still there). Got a few good sized pike in there over the years .
  5. If you want to go for salmon, you can launch in Wiarton and I'm told you really don't have to venture out beyond Colpoy Bay if the bite is on. Iaasic Lake is your best bet for bass imo unless you want to fight through beaver dams and venture out to Boat (no boat launch on the lake). Iaasic is very shallow but no stumps / major rocks to worry about. Berford can also be productive for SB and Pike. Let us know how you make out
  6. Favourite Genre of Music - HARD ROCK Favourite Band - Rush, Ozzy, VH, 80's hair metal, Mitchell / Webster Most underrated band- Hey don't forget about those Killer Dwarfs!
  7. I am a fan of late 70's & 80's rock/metal, but I saw Billy Talent last fall in one of those free Molson Canadian promos (yes free beer). Won tickets via some cell phone text messaging contest. Anyway, took my 19 year old nephew as the wife was not interested and my own kids are too young, BUT IT WAS GREAT. You will certainly enjoy yourself and to me they are better live then on CD - certainly better in a small club. Enjoy!
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