So as kids get older they tend to change what they are interested from moment to moment. My kids included. This weekend my son (10) wasn't with me as he was in a baseball tournament. So my daughter (13) and I decided it's time to visit my folks.
On Sat I tried a few times to have her join me fishing but had no luck. I went out in search of walleye and zero just just some fun fishing LMB (5) and a SMB (1). Forgot my cell that little bit out so no pic's.
After dinner I was almost begging my daughter to come fishing with me, well she did. A few dink bass for her and one missed hookset on something with size as I watched her rod double over. Me on the other hand STILL no walleye but a few more LMB (1) and SMB (2).
I love my kids weekends and enjoy the times doing what ever we do but to get fishing in there too, priceless...