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  1. So I made a video. Beautiful day in the sun, in the boat, on the water but I'm done with pan fish. Surface temps were as high as 13 Celsius. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPyZJBsvOKE&feature=youtu.be Besides some initial instructions I've been trying to let him do it on his own. I didn't even say anything about the jazz hands finish. Last night when I uploaded the video to the computer though Ryan saw it and said "What am I doing with my hand?" So some refinement might be coming. Driving the boat: Had a musky and a pike follow a 2 inch minnow bait in one back bay. Ryan had a "big" bass on his tiny tube jig until it wrapped in the wood. Some catfish, turtles, otter and a pair of mink.
  2. I had most of the day off so I went for a drive with my brother. We brought the rods but were not likely to spend much time fishing. Took a look at some spots; yep, there is a lot of water. Saw some turkey hunters; yep, we need to find some property to hunt. Anyway, we figured there is no point in doing all this driving and not wet a line so off to the lake we go. There were a few float guys at the mouth but the east wind was blowing onshore hard. So we both were going to chuck hardware. I left my sunglasses in the car and wished I hadn't because the wind was so hard that my eyes were watering and I had a hard time following my spinner. Then I think I hear something and look back to where my brother was and see that he's playing a fish. Nice, 5 minutes and one's on. Dropback with not a ton of fight and my brother's got in on shore fairly quickly. I snap a fast burst of photos and go to put the camera away as he releases the fish. As I turn around to see how things are going my brother catches a foot on a rock and loses his balance and stumbles forward a step and then falls face first into a foot of water. He's wet from his beard to his toes. The water he says is "Surprisingly warm.... at first." Fortunately the wind was loud enough that none of the other angler's laughter could be heard. If only I had tried for a release shot I would have had the whole thing in pictures. One of those stories of ours that will live on around the campfire for eternity. Brookies and browns for me tomorrow.
  3. About those musky spots you had on your gps.
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