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Found 2 results

  1. Well after a four year absence in our club's (Stelco Fishing Club) annual awards night due to Covid we were finally able to host the event again last evening. The attendance fell far short of our pre Covid numbers but the evening was over all a success with approximately 140/150 people in attendance. I don't have many pictures as yet from the evening, I will share more when I have some. On behalf of the membership, the executive and myself, we all send our gratitude and thanks to Mr David Chong for making the trip to the Hammer to talk about our mutual passion, fishing! Good to see you again David, cheers and best wishes for the upcoming open water fishing season.
  2. It's been far too long, but Brook was happy! Of course so was my daughter. We all went fishing this past Sunday (along with daughter's boyfriend) in my boat which has been dry docked for 3 and a half years (sadly). Fishing was slow but the weather was beauty. Daughter out fished both her Dad and boyfriend, nothing earth shattering in size or numbers but it didn't have to be, it was the "just being out there" kind of day for all of us. I'm sure I'll get more pics in my email but for now all I have this.
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