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  1. I went back 7 pages and can't seem to find the old recipe thread started by M2B2 a few years ago. If someone does bump it please. It's good to read it and try a few. Made what we call in the Family "Beans and Greens" which is nothing more than bean soup with greens. It takes minutes not hours if you use canned beans which isn't against the law. Dry beans are much more economical and better. Toast some garlic, whole, crushed or sliced. Usually the rule of thumb for browning anything is hot pan, hot oil and brown whatever. Garlic is so easy to burn. I found the best way to toast garlic to a nice golden brown is cold pan, cold oil add garlic and then turn on the burner to medium and watch closely. Once browned remove it and add latter or quickly add whatever so it doesn't go beyond golden brown. Toast 3 or 4 cloves of garlic in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, (EVO) Then add hot chili flakes to taste. Slowly add stock, be careful pot is hot and adding too fast will cause a splash back of hot oil. Tilting the pot away from you is a good tip when adding liquid to a hot pot. Add whatever beans you want. Dry Navy beans soaked over night is traditional, cheaper and better for you. I used 2 cans of $$ store mixed beans and a can of Navy beans for about 1.5 lts of chicken stock. Use your favorite beans, it doesn't matter. Another tip, open cans from the bottom, you get 100% of whatever is in a can of anything especially canned beans. I don't rinse them. Lots of flavour in the stuff at the bottom of a can. Some cans won't open from the bottom. Bring to a boil and simmer until beans are done. The dry beans need time to get soft, canned are already soft. Wash and cut up a bunch of greens. My favorite is Rapini or Swiss Chard. You can use anything like spinach including Romaine lettuce. Just remember it will cook down to about 10% of it's raw volume. Always looks way too much. Don't be afraid to use all the stalk. No reason not to. Mom says the stalks may be too bitter, I disagree but won't tell her that. Your done. Traditionally a piece of toasted day old bread is toasted and laid into a bowl, then ladle the soup on top. I will cook separately Pastina, Acini de Pepe (micro pipes), mini stars or elbow macaroni and put that on the bottom of the bowl, now you have a type of Pasta Fagioli. I always add to much pasta in a pot and it soaks up all the liquid, no good. Drizzle with EVO and add grated parm or similar cheese. Make some garlic bread or whatever type of toast. I'll cut up leftover meat and add it towards the end. My favorite is to add cut up sausages. I will pre cook a few just for this. I added sliced pork chops we had this time. Chicken, anything really. It should take you longer to prep than to cook unless dried beans. Fast, good, healthy and economical meal. A bonus too, 1 pot cooking. Eat and fa cresece. (Ketchinany if you are reading, please give me a spelling lesson.) This is a thick soup, add more stock or even water to thin it to taste. I will add water. There is enough flavor in this soup to handle it. In fact you can use water rather than stock, just simmer it longer. Many soups are started with water. I do not recommend freezing it. Something happens to the greens and whatever it is I don't like the texture and taste once frozen. If I told my Mom this was Beans and Greens she'd slap me, and tell me my Noni is rolling in her grave. I can't get it like Mom did and my Uncle still does so I don't try anymore and get disappointed. I need to get to New York and watch Uncle Angelo do it the way I had it as a kid.
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