A short walk through this last year on the water. Was a unique year in many ways - unbelievable high water levels, a really un-summery summer with weather that did its best, and often succeeded, at confounding my attempts to plan some trips; we decided to fish new waters this year on Lake O and had a big learning curve figuring it out; watching G take the first steps out of childhood; becoming an expert at hook removal (something I would gladly have done without); yest another incredible t-storm (blew the dock I was tied to right of its moorings) - the first year with no family vacation. Life has a way of mixing it up I guess. The vid roughly follows the season from start to finish. The pics have less to do with specific events, and more to do with when I actually remembered to take a photo - so often I am just experiencing the moment. G was obsessed with catching a 30 lber for the last half of the season, and getting a smile, even for a 20 something fish was a challenge.
. Credit to Jean Luc Ponty for the sound track.