I got a bunch of money and stuff for christmas so I decided I'm going to spend a bit on a baitcasting setup for pike and bass next year. The rod I want to get will be a st croix mojo bass 7' MH 1pc. I want a shimano curado for the setup but that doesnt matter.
My parents two cars that I will be driving are an 08 bmw 335i and a 2011 mazda 3. the mazdas rear seats fold down but I don't think the bmws do.
Will I be able to fit my proposed rod into my cars safely and comforably (for me and the rod), and if I can fit the rod in, will I still have enough room to take friends along too? I don't want to do it if I will be running the risk of losing an eyeball or something if I ever get in a crash.
Both cars are pretty small, so can anybody who also tries to put 1 pc rods in smaller cars tell me how they do it? and should I get a rod sock to protect my investment?
PS, if a 1 piece rod can't fit or wouldnt be a good choice, any other reccomendations of good 2 pc rods?