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  1. Eh! Here's my little report. I left my place in Sturgeon Falls on the 5th and headed for Sudbury where I met up with my old pal Chris of the PuckHogs fame. ( CBC SongQuest 2nd place winner ) For The Love of The Game http://music.cbc.ca/#/artists/The-Puckhogs We made our way to Opeepeesway lake , where we would meet up with Jean Luc . Launched the boats at the bridge over the river at the north end ... trekked down to Burnt Island where we set up camp. Made our way out for an evening fish, I quickly learned that every thing I know about Walleye angling was to be thrown out the window, I didn't matter what we pitched there was a Walleye at the end of the line, trolling with a jig&minnow , Rapala, Twister , Spoon, anything at any depth, but we mostly fished in 3-5 FOW . After releasing what seemed like hundreds we made it back to camp for some rest and a fire. Friday morning was a bit chilly as it had dipped to 4*C the night before ,warmed up quickly to 23*C , we set out for some fish ... again we released what is actually hundreds of them , we did keep some for shore lunch. Chris with average Walleye .. Me with an average Pike Made it back to camp for a fish fry and more relaxation .. My friend had 400$ Tequila and "special" caramels , after a few shots and a bite of candy , everything was more better than better could be I ended up laying flat on my stomach in pine needles trying to feed a Frito to a toad ... BZZZZZZZZ I'm sorta glad my pals were too busy laughing and didn't pick up the camera. Saturday was a bit different , we fished/visited a few water falls, again , more Walleye than I could ever imagine. .. We tried to catch a BIG Pike but only manged a swipe from a 40"+ never to be seen again.. We also went to visit the old mine site,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome_Mine,_Ontario. I admittedly trespassed and violated laws I'm sure, but curiosity got the best of us .. IAmGold the owners, left a BIG pile of core samples that still contain a decent amount of gold , went to see the mine shaft and for a swim at the beach , made our way back to camp for one more fish fry and fire with beer and stories . .. Woke up to rain on Sunday morning , packed up, drove to the Watershed for brunch and came home ... What a great trip !, the amount of fish I caught over the weekend more than made up for the past 2 years of minimal fishing... I'll hopefully make it back up in a few weeks , to give it another shot Randy
  2. For the first time in 13 years my wife and I had the chance to go camping without the kids or the dogs ,we've been going to Gull Lake (hwy 805) with the kids for the past 9 yrs, but this was our well overdue trip alone. It started off on Friday morning , we left home at 9 Am and made the 90k trek up Hwy 805 to the Obabika turn off, in about and hour and 15 minutes , stopped to check the tie downs and prepare for the next bonejarring 10k into Gull 1 h 30 minutes. Quickly interrupted by a flat tire. Quick fix and on our way! High water and Beaver Dams Camp was set up by 2 PM Someone came to say hello. Got the boat in the water and set out for some Walleye... All I got were friggin Trout ! after Trout after Trout ! With the water temps at 41* I was expecting as much. In all caught about 30 ,all free to be caught another day, no Walleye to be had this time 'round. Nature calls Some scenery.. All in all we had a great weekend , it got pretty cold in the evenings but there were absolutely no bugs ! and NO INJURIES !!! Randy.
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