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  1. Finally, the weather and winds cooperated and we got a chance to head down to the lake. Counted at least 12 trailers as we pulled into the parking lot, took a moment to savour the view before getting down to work the water is still seriously low I was surprised with all the warm weather, and the way the rivers were up around our place, there were no mud lines. the best we got was a little green tinged in the harbour and around the break wall. We set up as soon as we cleared the harbour and started looking for browns. It was then I discovered the second "oops of the day" couldnt find the port planer board anywhere - I always leave them in the lockers? (Tomorrows search though the garage) Our first was, as we came down the Link, I realised I had forgot to put the life jackets back in the boat after clearing them out for the winter. A quick stop at the Grimsby CTC fixed that. Perhaps a sign of things to come for the day? Anyway, as we motored out into the lake we travelled through what green we could find and were shortly into crystal clear blue following my spring brownie hunting path. Things were a little slow. G was really excited about getting out and was up early. When you're 10, you can sleep anywhere. While G was resting we got the one hit of the day - all of a sudden the light spinning rod just bends. We're in 22 foot of water I know its only diving 15 foot. As a I pull the rod from the holder I feel a head shake, the line starts to peel and then ,,,, nothing. Guess 10 lb line isn't enough even for the spring.... That was it for the day. BUT it was GREAT to get the boat out again and feel the water. Here's a few shots for those like me that live for the soft water season We've only just begun.
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