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  1. Good morning OFC. Never thought I would be putting together a report that entails Lake Trout but here it goes. I took the last week of September off and rented a awesome little cottage with the family. Prior to leaving I was setup with a nice lead core setup and a pile of spoons as the lake's I've fished for years hold beauty trout in them always knew it just needed to continue to break down the bass year after year. First day of the trip we pulled in and the lake clearly had turned over or was about to. Water was green some sections it was brown very wild conditions and the ultra low water didn't help. Pulled in and ran some water almost came up empty a few small pike and a decent bass. Decent Largemouth Mom's turn That afternoon I put my line down for a troll going 1.4-1.9mph trolling Vision 110+1 jerk baits deep anywhere from 40-100FOW. First hookup and trout I've caught from these lakes was excited as hell and it got crazy from there! End of that day the lake went flat couldn't resist some topwater smallies before putting all the bass gear away for the next morning in search of big Lakers! And another big smallmouth little over 4lbs. Not a PB but glad to have her! New Personal Best for my little brother. 4lb's 5oz he was excited as hell! I went shallow later that day and found a couple of these nice critters! Next morning was the start of my Lake Trout week in my eyes. Number 1 before the first sip of coffee. Then I got spoiled with this big girl! Such a fun fight. The setup was 9-12 colours of lead core trolling those Megabass jerk baits the smallies usually enjoy. Also ran a bottom bounder 200' back with a small shallow runner above. Not the "standard" but worked for me! Next day we got into more! This time my Personal Best Lake Trout was on the line 12-15min fight lot's of bubbles and every fish kicked back strong and healthy. I'll keep one next summer but for this round we let em go so they can grow! Jaws And another as the sun came up! Solid solid fish Smaller but great fun really had figured them out for a couple days. The tough days were 1 or 2 fish outings lot's of dinks in between The stare down Promised my brother his first trout. He isn't huge on fishing but will jump in the boat 2 or 3 time a trip. Was happy for him he enjoyed every second. Trolling with the tunes on made it better Another morning another tight line! They were on "Pink" colours baits deep. The GLX Northern Reaction was the best bait this week colour wise. My second biggest from this pond so far. Can't wait to break 15+lbs and battle a trophy Release shot. Such thick fish across the back Finally some afternoon action Different colours on this one very cool Finessing these fish was something that took time. My hooks were fine wire and bend slightly often so going to modify the tackle for next season. Happy to catch every one the fish moved shallower once weather came in rather than deeper. Smaller darker trout. This one gave me a scare at the boat as she got hung up on the motor We had a blast this week! Setup was 15lb lead core on a Okuma Cold Water 8'M power rod. We had 20 colours but only needed that 9-12 mentioned earlier. Leader was 10lb Fluorocarbon. The second setup was 50lb braided line to a 1oz bottom bouncer and a 4ft 10lb fluoro leader behind it. Can't wait to get back in 2017 for some largies smallies and lake trout. Tightlines! MTBF GoPro Edit https://youtu.be/4rGbXsgAbdM
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