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  1. As some of you may have read, I planned a one night yak fishing/camping trip for this weekend. I posted about it early last week to see if anyone wanted to join me. But for obvious reason, I didn't end up finding anyone to tag along. But that's OK with me, I love hitting the bush solo. My work asked me to work Saturday, so I did a short shift from 8 to 2. Then headed up "north". Over all, is was a great little trip. The fishing was slow. But I managed a few bass and pike. No eyes, which was disappointing, but I know they are in there!! The boat launch. The paddle in to my site. Portage #1 Portage #2 My site The yak On my first cast I tied in to a decently sized pike. We tussled for a bit, and when I was about to try to land him (first pike ever in the kayak), something rather unexpected happened. The dam pike jumped right in to my kayak!!! No kidding. This 5 to 6 lb pike (not big by any means) jumped in to the kayak right between my feet!! He only sat there for about 10 seconds, then thrashed himself back in to the water. I thought the fight was back on and started heaving on my rod... But after a few seconds, I realized that my x-rap was hooked on my fishing pack, and the pike had swam away!!! Jesus, I laughed about that for a few minutes... This particular river gets a lot of traffic. Its kind of a funny sorry, but I was fishing in the evening Saturday night, and a ran in to a camp with 27 kids in the middle of a 60km canoe trip through their summer camp. These kids where pretty cool, and we chatted for a bit. Some of the boys where across the bay fishing from a rock, and we heard them light up in cheers of excitement, so I paddled over to see what they caught! Turns out they had a school of catfish swim by. They landed 2, and smashed their heads with rocks. But they had no clue how to clean them. And they where going to toss one back as I was pulling up. These boys knew nothing about fishing, or cleaning fish. So they gave me one of the cat fish, and I gave them a good lesson on how to clean a fish, and sent them back to camp with a pile of cat fish fillets. They where really keen to learn how to clean fish, and where very appreciative of the lesson! They let me snap a quick pic of them in their new favorite fishing spot! The view from my tent saturday night Sunday morning I woke up with the son, and did some top water fishing. Caught a few bass and pike. Snapped a few pics .. Top water pike and bass are fun! Old cribs. I have no idea what they where used for back in the day? First bit of civilzation on my trip. With the weather so nice, I decided to push a little further out in to G-Bay than I have before in the past. You know, as you push further west, you run in to more and more civilization. And you have to start sharing the water with some seriously big boats!! With seriously big wake!! You have to pay attention out there, that's for sure. I love this guys boat. Fried up the cat fish for lunch sunday Man it was good! a pile of vultures on my way home. Anyways. I've rambled on long enough. Hope you enjoyed my little report and pics! My lens was dirty and I didn't realize it until a Saturday evenning, so some of the photos are fuzzy.. Wups. Until next time.
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