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  1. Both pontoon boats that Terry and I own needed more blow,so I told him about the 2.2 air head that wally world had. I had seen it there yesterday,but himmmed and huddded. Told him about it this morning and he wanted it. So after our morning of slow fishing and I mean slow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We fished some prime waters today,even rigged a bit. Terry has a picture of my 13.5 perch. Thought it was a small bass that smacked my 4" yum tube. WOW Back to my story So I go to wally world and it,s GONE,someone bought it. Oh no what to do? Head over to Cabelas and lo and behold,they got them. Great,well not so great. They are 10 bux more. So I take it up to the front desk and ask if they price match. We sure do sir. I hate when they say sir. I say to the lady,wally world has them for sale at 39 bux but have no way to prove it. She went on line and couldnt find them. She called the south end store and as always,no one can help. I tell her I can go back and take a pic of the price. She starts typing on the key pad and sayssssssssssssss That will be $43.76 sir. We dont want to lose a customer over 10 bux. That people, is service,and I had a smile. Oh I,ll be back. it,s in my back yard for cripes sake.
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