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  1. I'm far from being a techie, but not quite totally inept with pooters and such what goes on with 'em. OK so some of y'all know I was hurt at work almost a year ago and now am in school. WSIB provided me a pretty decent laptop with windows 7 which I have no problems with other than the constant pumping to upgrade to 10. Most of what I've read seems to indicate upgrading is best done as a "clean install". So, me being the "geenyus" I am, I disabled auto update on windows 7 for a bit to avoid the chance of it downloading 10 automatically like I've heard about. Keep checking on what people are saying about 10 and not ready even now to mess around with upgrading from 7 on the laptop, YET! So, my old desktop running Vista has been having more and more problems with various websites like this one, my banks and Walmart.ca etc. As a solution I bought a refurb computer with windows 10 installed. Good enough for what I do and cheap (160.00 all in). Got it all setup today, ran the windows updates manually right away, activated windows defender for now, rebooted as commanded, hopped on the web and starting setting up my favorites etc. I use a rogers rocket stick for internet here in the boonies and the connection manager shows me constant usage. Kept an eye on it as I've learned 10 is supposed to be bandwidth hungry due to updates, but I had run them manually until it said they were all done. It was going nuts! Where I usually might use 5-10 mb for the time I was on doing the little I had, it was already past 250 mb and rising like a bottle rocket - what the hell! That's when I started panicking - this wasn't gonna work for me at all. I pay 40.00 + tax for 5 gb/month, 10.00 per gb after that. This sucker is gobbling up over 1/4 of a gb up in well under an hour! So I gotta fix this and now! Goggled for some ideas and found a few, the 10 I have is home and the metered idea won't work with it and the rocket stick, could change regedit for the auto updates if I had Wi-Fi but I don't. Starting poking around in settings etc, deleting/changing some of the stuff I won't ever use, turning off options in privacy etc. etc. Checked in settings again to see if it was doing/wanting more updates (nope!), task manager to see if I could find anything using bandwidth (nope!) but I did see something I didn't recognize called edge, and it was there 4 or 5 times in task manager. Now zooming past 400 mb and heading for 500 mb, thinking of switching back to the old Vista unit to research this, decided to try once more. I did a bit more poking around in start, all apps and noticed Microsoft EDGE! What's that anyhow? Started it and got the same browser I had been already using!!! Found Explorer buried under Windows Accessories - CRAP! When I thought I was using internet explorer, it was actually Microsoft Edge. Dang Icons are almost identical! Shut that thing down, deleted the icon from the task bar and got explorer added/going. Usage immediately returned (plummeted!) down to what I expect. I've been surfing around, adding favorites, downloading some small add-ons for about 1.5 hrs now and am just under 20 mb usage. Whew! Next step is to get better internet here - it'll have to be wireless and that limits the options. Good news is that 10-50 gb/month can be had for 50-60 bucks, bad is upfront costs. Still looking though! Bottom line for all - make sure you're not running Microsoft Edge unless you have unlimited usage- that sucker makes Mama Cass like Twiggy! It's interface and icon looked like an updated explorer to me, dunno what the heck it does to keep cranking bandwidth but I'm not gonna find out unless I somehow get unlimited here. Haven't had time to try chrome or firefox yet - I'm just getting started today with my new pooter, hope I don't have another experience like this! Michael
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