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  1. They're fun and tasty yes It's all rather crappie and I get it. When the float drops, the crank stops or the jig pops over and over and over again, one can't help but grin. For some years reading about spring online crappie reports from a place in the north, I'd honestly sit and wonder what the big deal is..? These are panfish eh? They are panfish. Only Freakin' PANFISH And yet to a serious some who love 'em, they're worth going to war over. Well, I myself wouldn't ever call in poop troops for craps but... I would call some friends aboard to enjoy 'em. During spring I'd say crappie fishing is pretty well the southerner's equivalent to the northerner's walleye. If given the choice, personally I'd rather peg 10 to 50 bigger walleye over double that in 20 to 100 craps any day, but when you can't get that kinda local gold action, the craps really do make for a pleasurable alternative. Before the first trip out on this 2015 softwater, while at the bench tying laker jigs, the fingers got excited enough to spin a couple patterns liked for craps. After doing that, there was now a really good reason to get out the ultralight set-ups and wet the boat. Early season around here; this year like recent others, I took a couple full days and a couple short afternoons to pound on a couple hundred of these prolific pannies. It was easy-peasy and quite the joy for myself and friends. That's what crappies are about ... And being on the water in May fishing anything really, that's hard to beat too. New greenery at it's finest. 400 year old crappie eater. Threesome of slitherin' love. Rusty Craw & Oh Canada. First outing afternoon warm-up. Slay day with my old hockey and highschool friend Paul. Salmon Simon up from the south for a cold front hot bite. Now with laker lakes opening up, gar still in mid swing, maybe a little bass and skis come their openers and some big summer work and fishing vacations to prepare for, a plan is to take on those other things and put the crappies to rest ti'll next year. Much more fishing to come, always is. Enjoy your season. Bunk.
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