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  1. After my great dealing with Classic Accessories, having my damaged bladder replaced, I replied back after recieving it in the mail. It came while I was away on my five day five lakes. From me Sorry for the delay as I was away. I recieved my new bladder friday. I thank you Angel for all your help and patients understanding what I was trying to say was my issue. Also to Classic , for helpping me out with this issue. Great service and it has been shared on fishing forums I am on. Keep up the great customer service. I do have a question. This is do to my own neglect, not re tightening them after uses. The nylon inserts for the oar ring locks. What would it cost to buy and have shipped? Or can I buy these up here in Canada? Thanks again. The reply I recieved this morning,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brian, I will send you 2 packs of the oar lock bushings for you. We have processed your Warranty claim and it will ship out within 24 hours. You will receive a UPS tracking number via email. You will see that it was covered under warranty, even though it was my neglect. (Not making sure they were properly screwed tight after many outings) These pieces are like $2.50 US a pack. Shipping Im sure would be triple that. Be polite, and they will be nice to you.
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