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  1. All I can say is,Terry put on a clinic Saturday Simcoe smallies was our target.. I mention we should try an ice fishing spot where we knew there was a good transition. Sand shallow,then drop to weeds and rocks. He did well. Nice fish buddy. MAYBE, WE CAN TRADE HATS NEXT TIME. I caught two,but one was picture worthy.. Atleast I look good eh mang. The bite slowed right down so Terry says,lets do some rigg,n for lakers. The N/W winds were up there, but what the hell,lets go. The fishing gods must of been with him this day, or he had horse shoes up his cuz man,his rod was loaded 3 times in an hour. First one fought like it was a 20 pounder. When it got to the boat,I say whatttttttt? . Simcoe lakers are the best fighters bar none IMO. so we set up again and theres a bit of an issue with the trolling motor. As Terrys stretched out over the rigger board,his rod goes off again. I yell Terry fish,fish,fish,,,,,,,WHAT,I jab him in the ribs and say you got a fish on. (I never grab another mans rod) The line is peeling and peeling and there was no stopping this fish. Down to the end of the line and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he gone. So grab another rod,rig it up and were off again. At this point I knew I was just out for a boat ride today,so sat back and caught some rays. So sitting there I see WHATTTTTT? Terrys rod is going off again. Hey Terry,ya,,you got a fish on,,,,AGAIN. It wasnt a bigg,n so I decided to take a short under water vid,then release it in the water. I need longer arms. After that it was time to head in. Thanks for the laughs my friend. Sorry about your ball. Now on to my new vid cam set up, for the float tube. At first I had made this. Then I woke up the next day and said to self,it wont do. So I came up with this. Turns 360 deg and removes for under water shots. So I strap it on this morning and see how it works out. I took 47 short vids and for some reason,I was only able to upload 9. Something fishy with this. From what I seen from the ones I could upload,I am happy with it.It will serve me well (hope I can figure out ,what I screwed up) Need to remember to always wipe the lens. HAVING FUN.
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