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Everything posted by trparker

  1. Hey Photoz maybe you're the one who who should be doing the reading. Carp do destroy native fish habitat THAT'S A FACT!! Your statement about carp living peacefully with other species makes no sense. Carp increase levels of turbidity in our coastal marshes and waterbodies beyond thresholds that native fish can tolerate THAT'S A FACT. Turbidity will improve if carp are eliminated from an area where they were previous. It's pretty simple, when the carp aren't disturbing the substrate, particles do not become suspended, except for wave action and/or current. These are not "tales" these are facts that any reputable fisheries biologist would support. If carp live so "peacefully" with other species maybe you should be contacting DFO, OMNR or your local CA and ask them why they utilize carp barriers to keep these peacefull fish out of native fish habitat. I guess they're all idiots and should stop wasting their time. I'm an aquatic analyst for a local conservation authority and I have seen first hand the destruction carp inflict on native fish habitat so I think I know a little more about this than someone who's obviously biased because they enjoy catching carp. Hell, I love catching smallmouth bass but I would never want them in my favorite brook trout lake because they don't belong there and they would wipe out the brookies. Same goes for carp, they belong in Asia not in Ontario. I don't let my love of catching one species bias the fact that invasive species are never good for any ecosystem.
  2. anybody know why "whats his name" might have been added four times to my message? I swear my punctuation is not that bad.
  3. I know this thread is getting long but here's my two cents. When I used to work for a CA in Durham region I did a fair amount of work along the lake ontario shoreline and the coastal marshes and man did we see some carp. In Lynde whats his name in Whitby we would hit them while paddling maybe every 20th stroke they were so thick. But if want some easy pickings the best place to go that I know of to catch trophy carp is Cranberry whats his name in the spring and early summer, during the spawn. There's a carp barrier at the outlet of the whats his name where you can easily see on any given day two dozen nice sized carp swimming around near the shore. Hell I could have probably broken the record with a big stick and my waders. The access is in Whitby on the east side of Halls Rd. about 150 metres from the lake, which runs south off of Victoria St. Any of the coastal marshes in Durham are good places to catch big carp just about anytime during the summer (Second whats his name, Mclauhglin whats his name, Duffins whats his name, Wilmot). The tanks destroy habitat for just about every other species of fish, so if you think that killing one carp is a shame just think of all the native fish habitat that they destroy when feeding and spawning. I say keep as many as you want.
  4. Thanks for the info guys. Guess I'll be going up north this weekend if I want to catch eyes. Come on ice!!
  5. Where ever you go you should check the regs. It's free and if it doesn't mention the lake you're going to fish in the "exception" section of the regs then the general rules of that particular "zone" apply. Pretty simple.
  6. Could somebody let me know what the ice conditions are like out on Scugog. I'm extremely desperate to catch some eyes. Maybe "fishnsled" could help me out it. The pictures of the frogs on the ice appeared to show somewhat thick ice (you can't see through it). Anyways I'm hoping to go up there this weekend so if anybody has been there lately could you let me know.
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