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Posts posted by Guidofisherman

  1. joonmoon... that isn't a radio tag, it is simply an numbered identification tag that I insert for the MNR. I also record length, weight, girth and any special marking and a scale sample if possible. This information is valuable when the fish is recaptured as it shows growth rate, location and other changes. C&R actually works as some fish have been caught many times over different years. This ongoing research has been instrumental in maintaining the brook trout population and establishing data used for size limits and catches. It seems to be working.


  2. Brook Trout, Coaster, Mr. Squaretail... or "Lindableikja" if you are from Iceland. What ever you call them, they are a lot of fun to fish and photograph. A few weeks back, before our current hot spell, I got another chance to 'tag' into a few more. The water temps have risen a lot lately so I have left the brookies alone as they don't recover as well. Here are a few photos of different fish taken from a variety of angles. In one photo you can see an old scar on the side of the fish, probably from a prop. The bigger fish in the 'grinshot' chased a sculpin pattern three times before I got him. He weighted just over 5.2 lbs.






  3. I don't see a conflict at all. Infact I see a lot of similarity especially if you parctice C&R with species that need protection like the coaster brook trout. I have continuously run a display fish tank since the eary 60's. I also love to fish and keep a few walleye when the oportunity happens. I think it is a matter of respecting the resource.


  4. I've been back to the Nipigon a few more times and the fishing has improved from the drought conditions we had in the spring. The river and lake levels are getting close to normal and the Nipigon water temperature is in the low 50's. Here are a few photos with all fish tagged and released. I took one of the young guys from the fly tying club to catch his first Nipigon Brookie and he outfished me. I guess that's the last time he goes!






  5. After reading a few replies to my original post, I was misleading. When I said I "worked' for the MNR, I actually volunteer my tagging services. I'm fortunate enough to be retired and get to fish when I want...after the house jobs are done and gas prices drop. I did get out again today. We got 9, missed another half dozen and had numerous follow-ups. Plus the weather was great! Here is an average one on a 5wt. fly rod caught with a Nipigon strip leech.



  6. I have been fishing the Nipigon river a few times this year and had the good fortune to catch and release a few each trip. This year I am tagging the brook trout for the MNR as part of an ongoing study of catch rates, size, location, etc. Already this year several fish have been recaptured and returned to enjoy another time.






  7. For once I came to my senses and stayed home. The weekend up here was brutal as Dan's pictures show. The tarp on my boat was so frozen, I couldn't open it to load the boat. However, I have been doing a bunch of steelheading last month on local rivers and am now wrapping up with a few dropbacks. I have had the good fortune to get out over a dozen times. Give it another week or so and I'll be hitting the speck scene. I just didn't want to ice fish for them.




  8. I had the same experience with Vanish. It performed terribly, braking all the time. I thought it was the knot strength, old line or knot quality until I tested the pound strength and found it almost half of the rated strength on several different spools of the stuff. I now use Seaguar Pro and found it much closer to true line strength and has better knot strength. I only use flouro for a tippit now and prefer Ultragreen for the main.

    Good luck


  9. I stayed at the Krystal resort. See the Sunquest desk and ask for fishing with Orlando. He will take you to a tidal channel for a variety of fish. That is the best spot. Bring some extral tackle to leave as they can't get much there. If fishing on your own, try the rocky point to the right. I saw lots of grunts and cuda.



  10. I also lived on the shores of Lake Superior all of my life and have a lot of respect for the power of this vast lake. I've been caught in waves large enough to launch a 23 foot boat clear out of the water and even more scary is the fog. On one trip, several 20 ft+ boat went to Isle Royale for several days of fishing. When I got back I happened to tell my dad and did he get mad saying,"Was I nuts...that lake gets rough!' He used to be a helmsman on the lakers that Dan pictured and said the wheelhouse on the laker was 32 feet above the waterline and he had seen waves break over it. Its 'fair weather fishing from now on".


  11. My hats off to you Solopaddler. That was some canoe trip. The pictures show the power of the water and the beauty of this pristine waterway. I use a small "point & shoot" Canon camera in a waterproof case. Great around water. As another post suggests, trips like these with some photos would be worth publishing.

    My buddy has a small float plane based near Armstrong and several times a summer I get to fly/fish the area. I have flown over a few of the lakes you mentioned and have only seen the Albany far in the distance. That is one huge area. I keep trying to talk him into flying up there for some of those brookies. I traced your route using my Fugawi map system and am truely impressed with the magnitude of this trip. Can't wait to hear of more. :worthy:


  12. I've been a Ford guy since 1966, but that is about to change. I've owned several Ford sedans, a couple of F150s and currently own two SUVs (1991 and 2002). The reliability after a few years is terrible. I bought out the 2002 Explorer lease thinking it was great and even bought the best extended warranty for it. In the past year and half, it has been in 5 times for transmission repairs, two drive shafts and still there is rear end noise. Just two weeks ago the small tailgate split in two. That cost me $350 as it is not covered. I have written to Ford with no reply. Locally, they said it was a "known issue". I have since torn up the new lease agreement for my wife's car. I am going Japanese.


  13. I watched the global warming video last week and found it very interesting. Like everything else you watch or read, including the news, you have to weigh the facts and make your own judgements. To me, global warming is a reality and more than a cyclical anomoly. North Americans are not going to give up their trucks and SUVs (how would I get my boat to the lake?) and I don't think alternative fuels will be truely developed until fossil fuels are depleated. Unfortunately it is about money and it is very political. Ultimately, Al Gore's documentary was intended to raise awareness and create discussion and it seems to have done that. It is a perspective worth viewing.

  14. I used CarCostCanada: http://carcostcanada.com/1/en/default.asp

    I took the following from their site.


    CarCostCanada Wholesale Price Reports include:

    Retail prices of the base vehicle and all factory installed options selected

    Wholesale invoice prices of the base vehicle and all factory installed options selected

    Current advertised Factory Incentive Programs (where available)

    Current non-advertised Factory Incentive Programs (where available)

    Local, low-cost, real-time dealer quotes (where available)

    Standard features of the Model Style selected

    Manufacture Warranty

    Transport Canada fuel economy (where available)


    Remember, there is a price for this service but I found it valuable when I finally got serious and wanted to know what the actual vehicle cost was. I have used them in the past to get a wholesale price that helped when I made the purchase. At lease I knew what the actual price was.

    Good luck.

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