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Everything posted by niplodge

  1. Try Aunt Jemima original just add water pancake mix, but insted of water I put ahalf a can of beer in a bowl and add the mix untill the batter is fairly runny. Ontop of the batter I shake seasoning salt mix well.the fillets are first tossed in flour and next into the batter, then into the oil.Delicious beer batterd fish. Most importent, make sure the other half of beer is put to good use.Enjoy.
  2. Hard work and blessings ,Me to
  3. Very nice Mike. ever wounder how you got to be so lucky?
  4. Way to go Little angler, bass fishing in Nipissing's southbay is a blast. Great photo, Love the background. Mybe I'll see you this summer.
  5. Thanks guys for the welcome. And also for the advice on posting photos.Now Mr Clemens the test. Here are a few photos of my little piece of [almost Heaven] Thanks agian Ken. I
  6. Hellow heard you were looking for some bass and musky in the south bay of Nipissing. Lots of weeds and rocks, they love the structures. In the Fish Bay area. Also try the South River. Follow it all the way up to the water falls about a 20min senic boat ride from the lake. Good Luck! Ken
  7. Greetings I have been watching the message board for a few months and figured its about time I jump in and introduce myself. My name is Ken and I live with my family (wife Trish, our four adorable children Melissa, Jonathan, Michelle and Rebecca and family pooch Patches) From May to October we live on a beutiful Island in the South Bay of Lake Nipissing, (We call it The rock) I am so fortunate to spend summers at the lake. Question How do I send a few pictures with this? later Ken.
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