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Everything posted by AnglerJake

  1. Thanks! I will be checking some of these out.
  2. Thank you, Chris. How was Happy Day?
  3. Good morning! Due to various reasons, I am looking for a drive-in trip sometime in mid August or mid September, 2019, rather than a fly-in. There will be my two brothers in law, one of their 12 year old boys, and myself. We are looking for someplace that is not a large resort. We would need a housekeeping cabin and a couple boats and motors. Looking more for numbers rather than trophies. Walleye would be number one target followed by northern. Smallmouth bass would be a bonus. Coming from central Indiana, so 16 hour or so drive. Any recommendations will be appreciated. I have looked at the Dominion Lake Outpost with Discovery Lake Lodge near Sioux Lookout, Prairie Bee Outpost and Happy Day Lodge near Chapleau. Any experience with any of these? Thanks!
  4. Happy Canada Day to our wonderful neighbors to the North!
  5. Mind sharing where it is?
  6. Thinking ahead to 2015. Looking for something 3-4 hours north of the Soo. Will be my wife and me. Looking for good walleye and smallie fishing, American Plan. Any suggestions?
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