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Posts posted by Default User

  1. So me and a few highschool buddies made it out to Pigeon Lake this weekend. Some of which, haven't seen each other in a few years. Our first outing together this year.


    Mainly putting around for some bass and what not, until something grabbed my spinnerbait and ran like the wind, snapping my line in seconds.


    At first I figured that's one he'll of a bass, and tied another spinner on.  Moments later - we see this torpedo chasing my lure as I reel it in, again taking it and running - snapping my line and taking my spinner for a second time.  Now convinced (what we all believe) a Muskie raped both my favorite and my new spinnerbaits.


    Excitedly, we all started gearing up for muskies. By the time the six of us were rigged and in the water - BAM! My buddy landed one! I too got my first ever 'skie!


    Then all of a sudden - nothing. Nothing but pulling weeds off our lines for 3 hours. However -bragging rights and pride kept everyone determined to see who's going home happy - and who's going to be teased all the way back to Toronto.


    And just as we decided it was time to go home - BOOYA! it was tight lines for everyone!


    All in all - we lost 2 spinnerbaits, 4 cranks, and a few plastics. 3 of us went home all red and dark. But we all left the lake happy.  We landed a total of 9 muskies and a bunch of smallies and rockies.  But the biggest prize was that 6 high school buddies were able to get together, and had a blast spending the day fishing and talking about absolutely nothing important other than when we can do this again.

  2. @ Yush - thanks again for all your help. I really appreciate it. I will definitely let you know how the Rouge Marsh is. Hopefully I'll have the time this weekend to swing by.


    @ Gray-Wolf - I got the Intex SeaHawk 4 (wife paid about $100 @ WM for it)

    you can also get a Transom motor mount at Canadian Tire for about $60-100. And a 30lb trolling motor and battery for about 200-250


    After all is said and done - you can have a completely fish able compact motorized i-boat for about $400.

  3. Seems like there's a few of us with Mazda 3's LOL


    I actually got an inflatable earlier this year. Since then, I've googled and YouTubed ideas on how to make it more fishing friendly.


    Sevylar and Intex have quite a few good iBoats that are made of thick vinyl. Many people have outfitted them with hard floors, seats and trolling motors.




    I got the SeaHawk 4. Took it out and I'll say this much. Forget rowing - definitely need to get a trolling motor (30lb or more) Forget about Big lakes. And make sure the weather is in your favor (windy days suck)


    They're great for calmer waters


    Here's a pic of my Mazda and the SeaHawk to give you an idea of the size of it. 



    Transporting it is a breeze if you have a roof rack LOL.  Saves the trunk space for the cooler, gear (and the future trolling motor)


    Manual Pumping can get tiresome especially on a hot day - or when your eager to get out there.  I just grabbed a Coleman electric inflater which gets it 95% full. Then fill it up with the hand pump.

  4. First of all, anyone know if there are signs that say you can't use any kind of motor at all at Rouge Park right at the mouth of the river?



    I was thinking of taking my inflatable with the trolling motor and going upstream to around the 401. Wondering if that whole stretch is deep enough to do that.





    I was just wondering this same thing. LOL

    I do know they often host kayaking tours through there - not sure how deep the water runs though.

  5. Wondering if anybody has any leads to any waterfront cottages available for rent for large families for weekends (3-nights), within 1.5hrs of the GTA


    The cottage needs to sleep 7 adults and 3 kids. Preferably at least 3-4 bedrooms. As well a bathroom (or 2) equipped for my 6-months pregnant wife and 5-year old daughter that are true city slickers


    Most places I see are 1-week minimum, or have tiny stand-up shower.


    My retired parents would love To take their grandchildren out of the city. And I would love to take fishing.


    So hoping some of you have any leads, please let me know.



    - Eric

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