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Everything posted by westcoastangler

  1. I live on the west coast and only recently learned of this terrible tragedy. Like you.....I have many happy memories of Magnetawan. The fishermen I most admired were my father, Jack B. and Billy M......they could often be seen trolling the "triangle".....or bass fishing off the rocks near Mills' dock. Bass fishing was often a two step process. First we would go to the white water near the locks at night.....armed with flashlights to catch crayfish....or crawfish as we used to call 'em. Next day....we would anchor at the rocks.What fun! On hot days when the fish weren't biting.....my folks would send me into town to buy meat at the general store. I would tie up at the small dock near Vic R.'s house. Of course I would have to check out June's to see who was "in town"....and perhaps drop a few coins into the pinball machine! At the general store, Adam S. could often be found in the refuge of his walk-in cooler. I still remember how good it felt in there.....and how wonderful the sawdust covered floor felt under foot. Many happy days were spent swimming with Larry F, Pat R, Marilyn D, Billy S, Peter M, Steve R and Pete D. Thanks for the many happy memories, Magnetawan!
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