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About dyyyxd5

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  1. The dissentience - by Protest the Hero, nice band from Toronto!
  2. Thank you Paul! I'm in the burbs, Vaudreuil to be exact.
  3. Yeah i'm new to fishing forums... and I didn't know there was some "small characters not-written rules", sorry for that. So I've been fishing for 5 years now, mostly walleyes and pikes. Biggest fish ever was a pike of 38 inches and 20 pounds last year in Abitibi. Got a wife and 2 kids and living in Montreal. So I'll nevermind for the way points!! haha!! I'm just trying to make the best out of my trip!! Thanks for any upcoming tips and Frankie thanks for the link.
  4. Thanks Frankie! lol... but it doesn't answer my question!
  5. I'm going to Bay of Quinte for the next 4 days, I'll be launching the boat from Telegraph Narrow. I'm gonna spend 2 days for walleyes and 2 days for Muskies and Pikes. Does anyone have hotspots ( gps points would be appreciated) and what type of lures is best working for this time of the year?
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