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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. da bears......nothing else to say, other then bring back the fridge and the greatest running back of all time......
  2. interesting read, Well as one of the leaders of just such a non governmental organization and the largest one on Lake O pertaining to salmoinids maybe I can chime in on this. Stocking numbers have decreased, those numbers we see of the ganny are indicative of an overstocked fishery, not dependant on any natural reproduction. These days thats not the case. The MNR has developed the policy of sustainable fisheries, that are dependant on natural reproduction, not stocking. That being said what was in the 80's certainly doesnt apply today at all but yes they got very busy very fast those days. The rivers for the most part that do support natural reporoduction are at saturation level, by that I mean they are at the maximum production for fish. Bottom line man is the true problem of the fishery these days, for a fishery to be sustainable a 15% exploitation rate is required Lake Ontario is at 35% couple that with natural mortality of 35% also, hence a declining fishery, and if you think the 2 fish limit slated to come in will do anything, nope at best a 3% reduction in harvest and riperian restoration, forrest buffer reconnect, storm water managment , dam mitigation and the plethoria of other work cant get over the exploitation hurdle. In many respects Bojan is very correct and that anglers who do understand the gavity of posting on the www without paying due respect to the fishery do more harm then good. The fishery is in trouble still doubt me come by the craa booth at the fishing show and I ll gladly talk more about it with you. Now I look at the photoshop pics and I get a good laugh as the first thing I say is why even bother, a fish pic is about the fish the scenery etc... and if the need to photoshop it is required, for fear that the background shows then why bother as its done for no reason other then to show boat on the internet chat boards. I wrote an article for the getting hooked magazine a short while ago dealing with the internet angler and the concept holds true, the internet and such has shortened the learning curve by years and has introduced a new generation to the not so new but trendy center pin making angling success increase in order of magnitude , if you want to post pics I say great as I love looking at pics but really and honestly take a few moments, read some awsome sites on photo composition and click away every one will enjoy the pictures a lot more then some amateur photoshop rendition
  3. SOlo heck ya!!!!! what do I care its the wifes lease LOL
  4. Solo Im comin on the next excersion lol
  5. woodro its on a manual setting the iso is at 80 putting hte speed at 1/60 the camera is a canon sd600 by far the best color saturation I have seen in any camera
  6. pic 1 and 5 were taken in 2 diffferent rivers in 2 different countries, very silil;ar substrate though, why I liked the pics...... thanks for the comments, as I have been getting into more unique pics as of late. The final pic was certainly a keeper and so were the 6 that followed it lol
  7. hey mike pic # 2 was with you lol
  8. some PIctures i have taken thought I would post for you to enjoy Hope you enjoy
  9. pretty cool buddy I just wanna see a pic of the hotel room you and I talked about, after the KD incident
  10. nice pics cc, but and Im not starting something but you now very well what mud does to those fish in the gills. Give em a dunk and wash at least before the pic set a good example for any new steelheaders bud because mud and improper pics and fish handling kills a lot more then giving up the locations
  11. Tony heard the story about the j-9's classic.......also just so you knwo I laughed fro a good 10 minutes when I heard, the phrase runway drifter and its explaination.....good one
  12. Taking time off from work I dont even wanna know Taking time of supposedly to be with the family over Christmas break $ a cool million Having a wife that says " honey take a break and fish Having a wife that eventually lets you go out each and every day Hooking steelhead each and every outing Priceless
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