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About lenray

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  1. Located west of Chapleau.
  2. Any of you folks ever fished these lakes or know anything about them that you can share???
  3. Thankyou Rattletrap2 for the info. Love those Rattletraps.
  4. Have a couple of questions. What brand name of spark plug and the gap???? What is the little toggle switch next to the choke????? Thankyou
  5. Len in Michigan here. I was wondering if any of you folks have made the trip from Winnipeg to Churchill by TRAIN??????
  6. The village of PICKLE LAKE north of Ignace I know solopaddler knows the area far and above any living human.
  7. I like to ride the train and see different wild country. Thinking the train leaves Thompson at night so that would not be the best for me. Any info. on the trip up to Mooseenee --sp.-- how far?? any restaurants up there??? Motels for the night?? how long of a ride etc. Thanks for the info.
  8. I was wondering if any of you kind folk have taken this train trip?? If so would you share your thoughts concerning the trip. Would like to go in mid summer.
  10. Was thinking of you yesterday---On another forum a guy was talking about a portage lake off of Milli-lac--thinking that is the lakes west of Thunder Bay. They were having very good luck with bass there. Has to be near where you have been fishing--maybe some east. len in michigan--good going on the vote there with the cross-over.
  11. iF YOU DON'T WANT NEIGHBORS step up and buy the land. That is what I do. You probably can't afford to buy it so try to make the owner be put into a positon where he can't develope it.
  12. Thanks folks for the thoughts--let me add a few thoughts here. I have been in the rental business for over 30 years. These lots have been set up for as long as 15 years on some and some not so long. There is water-septic-electric-drives- trees-landscaping-areas for a veg. garden- storage bldg. etc. We are currently renting to folks who own their own mobile home--trailer house on these lots. These are private lots all with in a 5 sq. mile area--a lot here another lot a mile away etc. Not together. We want to get away from the full time 12 month permanent renters on these lots. Thought we wanted renters with RV'S----never thought about folks who live in say the city and want a private getaway and have their own 12X60 OR 14X70 and use it as a vacation home. Thanks VERY much for that thought. That is the reason for the original question--trying to find some help. Hoping to hear some more of your good thinking.
  13. Yeah cen. Mich. is as cold as TO and a little warmer than Pickle Lake where I fish in the summer. Just looking for mostly summer residents with the option to leave their unit on the property full time if needed. Michigan isn't a place for Canadians to winter for sure. I am looking for US citizens but thought a Canadian brother might have an idea on how I can find a few folks in the US market for something like this. Looking for some ideas form good business folks who might be able to offer suggestions. Thanks
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