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Everything posted by Devin87

  1. Hi Folks. I was thinking of heading up to the Tobermory, Bruce Peninsula Nation Park area on the end of September to do some salmon fishing. Id like to fish from shore and was wondering if there is any river or bay maybe i could land a nice fish. Thanks.
  2. Im not a huge fan of that part of Algonquin.. The best walleye fishing in the park is on the petawawa river in a few lakes around cedar lake. I had one on in Laurel that was a behemoth!! but he decided to swim down and wrap himself around a log. Specks will be hard to catch,, id jig a powerbait grub around structure or just fish the creeks for small ones.
  3. Ill be going after musky on NOS on the long weekend. I dont have much advice other than dont talk to the locals, I mean the locals are nice but dont like you fishing their lake, from my experience and i grew up in North Bay. Good musky fishing tho,, big too!!
  4. Where you going in the park?
  5. A gazillion. probably 40-60 in Algonquin Park alone. I just look at maps, see a lake, then try to get to it and fish it. I guess its alot different for us then folks from the south who tend to fish the great lakes.
  6. Alright! ill give that go, this helps so now i wont waste all my time trolling.
  7. Im sure ill be doing lots of experimenting too, thats if i dont catch them trolling. Last time i used a 1 1/2 oz bell sinker and a 3-way swivel and let out tons of line, my lures were deep! maybe too deep. Ive actually heard that jigging for lakers can lead to success. I have a couple little cleos ill try, and a few small wablers that i will try aswell. In the spring i went to Waltham Que, ice was still on the lakes so we only made it out 50ft or so in a boat, poked a hole though the ice and slayed the specks jigging with a powerbait grub lol. Last year i caught a minnow, fallfish i believe and tried just about everything with it. I think finding the thermocline is key. The water is so clear i was thinking maybe light penetrates it alot so the thermocline might be deeper than normal. i think i might try crayfish too. i dont know if they like being down that deep, but those darn char must be eating other things than other lakers. Theres also tons of minnows in this lake. Thanks for the tips tho! were the cleos worm or minnow tipped??
  8. thats what im kinda worried about, surley they cant be down that deep tho? the lake isnt that big,, you could probably troll around the entire shore in an hour or so. id just like to know the best depth to be trolling at and what presentation to use.
  9. I am heading to a small headwater lake in Algonquin Park next weekend and need halp catching lakers or brookies if possible. Last year i went at the same time and i got stumped. This is small very clear green water lake that reaches depths of over 300 ft. I know someone that catches alot ice fishing it (if there's this ice on opening trout, not illegally), Ive been doing some research and i read that the smaller lakers will school up in the deep water and the larger lakers are usually 40-80 deep feeding on smaller lakers. So would it make sense to try to get a crankbait, maybe one that looks like a laker below the thermocline? If anyone has done this type of fishing i would appreciate it if you could help me out. ill be in a canoe and no fish finder because its a 3km portage. Thanks.
  10. thanks everyone. i tend to agree with what i read. my tackle box consists of panther martins, mepps (black fury and aglias), rooster tails, blue fox vibrax etc... i also throw on a small ghost (big-o) every now and then,, but i seem to catch lakers on it?? i just want to try something different this year.. thanks for your input everyone.
  11. been to johnny.. seriously, if you want to catch big specks goto Quebec. its insane. theres a place very close to pembroke that i could mention and you would have no problem hauling in a few 4lb specks easy. as for algonquin,, animoosh, kennedy and coldspring are the best,, but i doubt you'd want to go that far in. north river lake provides very good speckle fishing in the river part and good laker fishing in the lake. caught a 3.5lb squartail in merganser.. algonquin gets hit too hard every year,, cormorants are taking over also.
  12. I usually just troll around with flourocarbon line and a spinner 80-100ft out. Would Jigging with a Swedish pimple be worth a shot? any new techniques i should know about?? also what would they bite on, minnows? worm? leeches? im going to Quebec this year, hearing about some "footballs" to be caught.
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