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Everything posted by luclarochelle

  1. Alright thanks! Do you know anything about Guelph Lake?
  2. I take it that theirs no ice
  3. Planning on going to Puslinch on Saturday, just wondering knows how thick the ice is.... Also how people are making out on Puslinch if they have been ice fishing it this year! Thanks Luc
  4. Going to slam some lakers tomorrow with crappie_boy77!!!

  5. People just need to C&R...
  6. Just got back in, ice is good its around 5 and a half inches. Their was lots of people out today. We got 11 perch and 1 pike. We lost 2 pike
  7. True say... im going there Sunday hopefully its good
  8. Does anyone have any idea when they will be opening the lake for ice fishing this year? Also the date of the derby?
  9. Okay thank you. Do you know if the crappie are hitting at all? or any panfish?
  10. Just wondering if anyone has been out on Little lake this year? Im looking if its good this year or if its slow. Also, im just wondering about the ice report if its safe or not? Im going out tomorrow and just wanted some ice/ fish report... Thanks Luc
  11. Okay thank you, I will have too check that out! Do you ever fish Puslinch? If so, do you target crappie or perch?
  12. Alright thanks Dan, I really hope they find a way too get Puslinch back up and running. I will hopefully be getting out to Belwood sometime soon too get some nice eyes!!
  13. Does anyone know how too get on to Puslinch Lake? I've heard that the GRCA has access but I have no clue where that is... If anyone could help me out it would be great Thanks Luc
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