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Posts posted by Photoz


    Thank you very much for your offer . . . . but I think I have found a 2 year old Panasonic fax / copier / answering machine, still in the box with the receipt . . . . barely used . . . . I'm gonna take a run up to Gravenhurst and have a boo. He couldn't hook it up on his phone line, it interfered with his other answering machine, and it was one of those 'ON SALE' items marked 'all sales final.' It became a 'dust catcher' for 2 years Geeze, this site is GREAT!

  2. If you want a fax machine and some free printer rolls for it, please send me a note. It is NOT COMPATIBLE with phone service that comes over the cable company's lines (Cogeco in my case) but it did work with Bell. All I would want for it is the shipping.




    Thank you very much for your offer . . . . but I think I have found a 2 year old Panasonic fax / copier / answering machine, still in the box with the receipt . . . . barely used . . . . I'm gonna take a run up to Gravenhurst and have a boo. He couldn't hook it up on his phone line, it interfered with his other answering machine, and it was one of those 'ON SALE' items marked 'all sales final.' It became a 'dust catcher' for 2 years Geeze, this site is GREAT!

  3. Just did a search there for my ink and agree the price is very good. Noticed they offer cartridges either with or without "new chips". I'd be leaning toward the "new chip" ones for my HP Photosmart. Wondering what you ordered for, what you bought and how it worked out for the customs & USPS charges.





    I just got my Visa statement . . . . it turns out they charged me in American funds . . . . @ 30% exchange (normal way of doing business I suppose,) but they were still quite a few bucks less than I had being paying up here? I have the 'PhotoSmart' HP 8450 printer. As for 'chips' and other computerese, I have no clue about them.

  4. Steve, I have bought quite a few items on line and as of today never had any problems! I did have my Mastercard compromised though (not through an online purchase) CC company too care of everything, immediatly issued a credit for all the transactions and issued me a new card no problem.


    As for needing a new Fax/Phone, why not just go to Staples and buy a new printer/scanner/copier, you can get one for under $100.00 that will do all of it and you can scan things, save them as a PDF and email them or you can fax them and you'll have an up to date printer too.


    Hi B. C.


    Now you're gonna see just how dumb I can be . . . . my computer already has a fax . . . . way y y y back when I bought the computer I tried, and had 2 other people also try to hook the fax up, I ended up cleaning EVERYTHING off the hard drive . . . . I had to bribe the sales person to put it all back to a fresh start! I also have a decent scanner, which is great for copying pictures, but I've been fighting with W. S. I. B., Canada Post and over a half dozen other government agencies, since I originally banged up my heel in 2006, 4 knee surgeries and counting! I type ALL communications, & copy them to various other agencies, and put them in a 4" binder . . . I have 2 full, (600 pages each) and about half a third one . . . . this would be quite difficult to do (I DID try) using scanned pages of text. I've likely killed a small forest worth of trees by now. I also have an excellent printer. I know your suggestions make a lot more sense than he way I'm doing it, but I do know where every document I've sent is . . . . Thenk-you for taking the time!

  5. I've used amazon with NO problem at all for the last three years or so.


    I buy my ink cartridges from inkjetsuperstore.ca. They are very cheap and come right to your door within a few days. Again NO problem


    They have combo packs, I just got reg $74 for $24. Shipping is always 9.95 no matter how many you buy.


    Is that place in CA 1ink?


    My Visa statement was billed by inkjet cartridges.com . . .

  6. Although I've owned a computer for over 20 years, I still almost need to look at the manual to just turn it on & off! I have a decent HP printer that HP quit selling ink cartridges for about 6 months ago . . . . there are THOUSANDS of these cartridges on the Internet, and since I couldn't get one ANYWHERE in the GTA, I decided to throw caution to the winds, and ordered 3 cartridges from a place in California. They were $25.00 Cdn. cheaper, even with shipping & handling than I had been stiffed for in Canada. I had a few small problems, but I did get my GENUINE HP cartridges in 6 days. I just don't understand why I got those items, that I ordered from a California company, sent to me from a company in Georgia? The next thing I need, is an 'el cheapo' fax phone, again they are close to 40% cheaper than they are here? What if I gave my VISA number to some damn crook who goes out and buys a new car with it? How could I recover my money?


    I've never seen this topic discussed here . . . . what are some of your experiences, good or bad . . . . and what should a fella who just climbed off the ol' turnip truck look for when making a purchase off the 'net? Are there any Nigerian princes selling some of these items, or do they only do Internet scams?

  7. I took a mosey out from Jacksons Point last week to have a boo at the driving conditions. . . . there was a pretty good trail until you got on the open lake, then it started to get kinda choppy, so decided I'd better swing around and go back. I got a pretty good head of steam on and then swung out away from the wheel tracks. I made it about 150 feet, and bogged down . . . there was about 8" to 10" of 'choppy' snow . . . . so I climbed out and got my good steel snow shovel and dug out about 50' for getting my wheels free . . . . I only made it about 50' past where I finished digging . . . bogged down again! Then a couple fellas came along (OFC guys) with a half-ton and between them pushing and digging it only took a few minutes and I was back in the wheel tracks again. It would have likely taken me an hour to dig my way back to shore!! I shoulda known ti instantly when I saw there were only a half dozen 4 X 4 vehicles out there and NO CARS that I better not even try! There is up to about 10" of heavy snow, not hard enough to drive on top of and is about the consistency of white sugar you just cannot get enough traction. Even a decent 4 X 4 would be hard-pressed to go through. My Grand Caravan ALMOST was 'bottoming out.' It doesn't look like it will be too good for driving on that lake for a while! If I'm gonna fish, I gotta drive to my spot . . . . 4 major knee surgeries put a real dent in my walking . . . . anyhoooooooooooo . . . . . thank you fellas for getting me back on track . . . it sure was appreciated! :clapping:

  8. A few years ago when I was fishin' the Ganny in Port Hope, there was 3 or 4 drunken foul-mouthed hillbillies casting over other people's lines, dragging spoons with large trebles on 'em. giving 'em a good jerk every few feet, and just generally being an ass, when I heard one of 'em yelling in obvious pain. THEN I saw what he was yelling about . . . . somehow his buddy had drove the treble on a 3/4 ounce Cleo well past the barb into the back of his neck when he cast it. . . . I could hardly keep the smile off my face. This was almost as funny as a guy I saw 'lipping' a 3 - 4 pound pike . . . . made a quite a mess of his fingers!

  9. T'ank-you kindly . . . . they changed the location of this when I wasn't lookin,' I'd had it bookmarked under 'BUSTED' for years, then I couldn't find the new location. It's VERY useful to see just what's going on out there!

  10. I used to regularly keep an eye on the names, offences, convictions and fines through the M. N. R.'s 'BUSTED' site, but all I now get is #404 NOT FOUND. Does anyone kinow what happened to the site? Is it still out there, or was it a victim of 'budget cuts' like so many others. It was really interesting just how much some of those 'scofflaws' were getting fined for getting caught not obeying our game & fish laws. Does ANYBODY still check this site out or know where it went?

  11. A rather simple solution . . . . HOOK THE THING UP PROPERLY. I had forgot I have to turn it on to charge it!! Oh yeah . . . . . . surprise, surprise, the battery WAS toast! Does anyone know if you can get a small van on the ice at Gilford, or Roches Point?

    P. S.

    Misfish . . . . because of weather conditions, it could be a while before I get up there, and I don't wish to have you running all over hell's half acre, trying to find me. I do appreciate the offer, and I thank you very much.

  12. Dumb question time . . . I bought a Vexilar FL-20 back in 2009, only got to use it about 6 times, then mothballed it for the last 5 years, only taking it out around Thanksgiving, throwing it on the charger, the little green light comes on, showing 'full charge?' I know the RED light should come on if it isn't fully charged, and I thought it only came on green when fully charged? Could this battery have held a full charge FOR 5 YEARS?? I figured the life of one of these 9 volt batteries would be 3 or 4 years max . . . . but 5 YEARS . . . . . is this possible?

  13. Have you ever been driving along a waterway, miles from nowhere, saw what looked like a good spot, nice and quiet so you pulled over and started fishing. After about 10 minutes along comes another vehicle, the driver sees you fishing . . . . he figures YOU must 'know something,' walks over and tosses in 10' away! After a little while along comes another car . . . the 3 guys in it see there is 2 people (who must 'know something') already fishing, they pull over and commence fishing. Next is a couple more, who, when they see a half dozen guys already fishin' they call their pals on their cell phones. By the time an hour has passed there are several people crossing each other's lines, a couple cars blocked in . . . . so you give up and leave . . . . ? Yesterday at Port Hope, somebody caught ONE SMALL fish out off the pier . . . . within a couple hours there was a count of 19 people on the pier, 7 along the sailboat channel . . . . NOBODY else got even a hit! Aren't these cell phones wonderful?

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