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Everything posted by ccgg

  1. great post jet!!!!! since i know your dedication to the sport and have shared time with you on the water this certainly is a grand story of your dedication and persistance....another awesome adventure shared.....nice pics too !!!!!!!!!! Fish On Bud!!!!!!......................LOL.........
  2. great stuff!!nice fish....looks like a great place too...
  3. .....steel time!!

  4. ..Top Notch 4 sure!!!!!!!!!..what an adventure it was,.....thx again JET...it was MOST EXCELLENT and a time I will never forget ,,,,great friends,,,great fishin and a great place = AAA time!!!........Tight LInes All!!!
  5. nice stuff jet.......next time that cutty divebombs your fly i ll be there to witness it......great pics and the sushi looks awesome too....can t wait to try both the fishin and the eats!!!!!c u soon my friend.....
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