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About RandyB

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  1. I live just outside of Columbus and pickings are slim this time of year . That being said there are a few options , Alum Creek with largemouth , Saugeyes and a few Muskies up to 40 , Hoover Resevoir with Crappies being the hottest thing at the moment and Griggs res. with Crappies and Largemouth . With a pop of 1.25 mill all our water gets beat up pretty bad, but with a little perservience fish can be caught , I don't have a boat but shoot me a PM and I can go into a little more detail and maybe we can hook up for a fish . R & R Bait downtown is a great resource as well as Fishermans Warehouse on Williams Rd. Nothing else you are more than welcome to hit my pond for an hour or two some evening and I am sure you'll get at least a few largies! Randy
  2. Hey all ! Some of you may remember me from the Lakair G2G a few years ago , only then I was known as Cowpoke . I have to chime in and say THANK YOU to Hawg Hunter and his side kick Bill for sticking with me and finally getting it thru my sometime foggy head and putting me on some of those infamous BoQ walleyes . It did take me 2 tries , 1.5 cases of Canadian and 1 totaled SUV but they showed me how to do it . My first attempt resulted in the write off of my 2000 Pathfinder on the 401 coming around Toronto but my traveling buddy had a great trip and while my fishing success was minimal Hawg and Bill tried so hard that I had to come back and try again a week later . Well , still no big one for me but the boys did perservre and I did manage to get a few keepers ! I can not say enough good things about Hawg and Bill . Those guys worked their butts off and in the end gave me one of my most memorable trips ever , I mean how can you carp about anything when your guides even pick you up at the front door of your hotel just to save you the risk of a DUI charge . Randy ( Hawg ) and Bill not only have a combined 50 + years of experience but they also have that drive to make everyday fishing with them a great one ! In the end it was all worth the adventure thanks to those guys and if you ever get a chance to go with these guys run don't walk to meet them . Oh yeah there was no injuries in the wreck and all mason jars survived impact . Cheers to all you fantastic OFC'ers and hope to see ya'll at Lakair this spring . Randy (aka Cowpoke )
  3. Just one taker so far ? Tributaryhunter seems interesred but for some strange reason TJQ has been stangely quiet . Surely I didn't scare you that bad TJ .
  4. Sorry for the mispelling EddyK , I must have gotten confused with the Big Smoke .
  5. I am hoping to get out with a guide for a day while we are there . Three or four days in a hut without moving around would leave a seriuos mark ! I am really looking to put my buddy onto at least one or two nice pike , so I figure a little moving around should increase our odds . I looked at Ice Guides and Profishtangles and neither seemed to be a fit so hoping to get some other options . They don't need to be a professional just have a knowledge of the lake . By the way we will be traveling thru Tronoto so transportation can be supplied .
  6. Hey yall , Randy ( Cowpoke ) here , just wanted to throw the freebie offer out here to a deserving member of OFC . The mid-week dates of Feb 19-22 a friend and I have booked a super bungalow with Rob Hyatt , we had to pay for three people in order to stay in the larger hut ,(I was afraid a normal sized one wouldn't hold enough beer ) anyway this means that we have a FREE space for anyone who would like to take advantage of it . Minimal requirements being that you can put up with a couple of crazy americans for a few days , that you don't mind being cooped up with a coupla smokers , you have to be able to hold your liquor while remaining as safe as possible , and a love of hippie music helps . We also are looking for a guide service for at least one day to venture out to different spots so any suggestions on that would be a big help also . Thanks for looking , and TJ the offer is open to you also if you are crazy enough to take me up on it . Randy
  7. Hey guys , thanks for the help . Yes this is Randy of the infamous jar and I am sorry that I missed Lakair but rest assured that I will be there this coming year ! I have had a great year fishing the Bruce Penn. with even more fantastic sweet spots found . My personal highlight was missing Thanksgiving dinner because the bite was on ! Mom was a little upset at first then relented a bit when she saw my blood alchol level . Great hearing from y'all and great to be back . I will definetly be up on Nipp. Feb.19-21 and we can find room for any adventurous to stop by . PM me for any further info .
  8. Hey guys sorry for the non-fishing post but I am trying to track down a few no-accounts and the only way that I have to do it is by their past board names . This is the original Cowpoke , you know the guy with the one-legged fishing partner , and I am trying to reach these guys about a trip to Callender Bay Feb. 19-21 . If anyone else is maybe interested give me a shout , the ice bungalow is already paid for so it will be a freeby to a few other people . Wayne your included , TJ can you maybe stop by and say hi ? Art , Joe brave enough to try a big hard water trip ? I am driving up from down south and can chauffer . Randy
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