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Posts posted by BiggFish

  1. Hey Folks,


    I have to agree with my buddy Rich, Jerkbaits and jointed cranks are what I throw and the steelhead just smash them where i fish.


    Some days I get 3 or 4 in less then half hour and all on orange and black or silver and black 4 inch Rapala Husky Jerks, oh yeah and the blue and silver also.


    Only two more weeks in Southern Ontario before it is on.



  2. Hey guys,


    I fished this lake the first week of June and we had a decent walleye bite.


    Got a few OOS LMB on cranks and also a few pike.


    If you want a few spots that porduced ok for me PM me.


    Only fished it for 3 days but like I said got a feed or two of walleye,



  3. I fish Paris to Brantford weekly in a canoe and jerkbaits in greens and silvers 4 inches in size.


    Also Live target perch coloured cranks.


    Lots of Bass between 1-2.5 lbs caugh each trip.


    I think the key is to throw somethign you can cover alot of water with.



  4. Hey SBK,


    I planned on entering and received an entry form as I am a Burford Lions member. After receiving the entry form and reading it 10 times I could not find the date of the event on the forum. Would likely help if the date was on the registration forms.


    Where can I get some info on this event?





  5. Hey folks,


    I am looking for a place on both of the above lakes to camp. I plan on taking the wife and nephew and we love to camp and always like a nice campgrounds that is semi-private, wooded etc to add to the camping experience for the little guy.


    More importantly there needs to be a boat launch fairly close so I am able to get out and do some fishing.


    Any personal experiences, phone numbers, etc would be appreciated.


    If you do not want to post on the board please PM me.


    Any basic fishing advice based on the month, species etc would be great.


    Thanks in advance,



  6. Thats awesome.


    A very worthy cause. This last fish-a-thon was my first but I plan to get a few friends involved next year.


    It is a good day, with a bucn of good guys (for the most part), for a worthy cause.


    Ryan and Dan and many others put alot of work in behind teh scenes to make it happen. Thanks guys!!





  7. Hey guys,


    Was a rather so slow game but any Saturday night I can watch the Leafs get a W i will. Especially against them no good habs.


    Overall a good week 3/5 in the win department against 5 of the best teams in the league I think is not bad at all.



  8. What a good story. Glad to see you can hold your composure. I would have likely flipped the grater operator the bird and he would have snowed me in on even more on the way past the second time.wallbash.gif


    As for the newfie that just shows good character right there. If the world had more newfiesoops.gif , i mean good guys, the world would be a better place.




  9. Hey,


    I made my way up there on Saturday looking for hunting and fishing deals. There was minimal hunting and very minimal fishing stuff there. Like 30 minutes I vieiwed the entire area.



    The home and cottage area on the other hand was huge and of course I had no interest in that jazz.


    I am looking forward to the fishing show in February or March that is a good show.





  10. Like ChrisK I started out with a Canadian tire special 6 years ago for $279. I have since demo paddled and rented at least 10 different kinds before making my decision on a replacement. I went with a Native Watercraft Ultimate Tegris 12 that weighs only 30lbs. It's not cheap but in the kayak world you can have light or you can have cheap, you can't have both. Here is my best fish of the 2010 season (so far).


    It was 25.5" long and was caught in the Grand river in Kitchener.

    Here is my largest yak caught fish ever.


    It was 43" long and was caught in Pigeon lake in August of 2008. (I was fishing out of one of the aforementioned rental yaks, a Necky Manitou Sport).


    I use a fishfinder and attach my rod holder to my shoe so I can keep it up front out of the way for paddling but then bend my knee to bring it back within reach when a fish hits.

    There is an Ontario kayak fishing forum with many members that will help you with rigging ideas, launch spots and any questions that a newbie yakfisher might have. No judgemental attitudes, just good people on the cutting edge of the fastest growing segment in fishing. It's called Yakfisher.net and they regularly hook up to fish for fun and even ran a very successful 3 part tournament series this year. The best part is only members can view the reports section so lurkers can't get info on where the fish are biting.


    There is a link under my one-eyed green friend below.



    Hey Jediangler. There are pickeral in the Grand in KW? I know there are lots in brantford right down to erie. My understanding is there was not much up that way. Please inform me differently.

    Some nice fish you got there.


  11. Hey Court R,


    I have not had any luck at the dam area but have had really good luck and consistency up stream towards Brantford.


    Been out 4 or 5 times in that area and likely averaging two fish an outting. Rapalas, husky jerks and spoons.



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