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Everything posted by whynotalen

  1. Hey Tybrad. were ya flyfishing ? If not, what lures were ya using in the conestoga if you don't mind me asking?
  2. HAHAHAH Well put man!
  3. Wow, that pretty cool. I especially liked the sunset at the end...that was pretty cool to see
  4. I have always had great luck with some BIG SMs around springbank dam
  5. HAHAHAH that is awesome....people are actually blocking traffic to take a picture doing THE WALK
  6. The problem is that cottagers think that they are on another planet when they go to their cottage. They do not want to see or hear anybody. They think that just cause they bought a little house on the lake that they are re-living the pioneer days of being the only person around in miles. The lake is public property and the dock is on public property so if I would liek to fish there then it i smy right. However, I do agree with all of you that say that it is pretty ignorant and just simply stupid to fish where there are kids or pets. But, we all know that the notion of comon sense seems to be disappearing. Maybe we can get the MNR to build random docks around the lake for us fisherman....we do pay a little fee after-all.
  7. Do Carp Jump out of the water at all? I was fishing teh Grand last night and I saw some HIGH jumpers pretty consistantly. I know there is Carp there but I know there is also some big Bass in there. Now I am Wondering what it was. I couldn't get a good look because it was on the other side of the river.
  8. Man that thing is HUGE....that fish would eat the stuff I usually catch for Breakfast.
  9. Hey all, this is my first time posting after finally getting my account working but I have been reading great things in the forum so far. I wish I had known about it earlier. I was wondering if someone can give me a little advice on fishing the Shade's Mill reservoir in Cambridge. I know there is Bass and Pike in there. Half the lake is deep with a couple of points as well as the two small islands while the other half is very shalllow with lots of weed almost to the top and lots of old tree roots in the water. I have tried numerous techniques in all locations but I am having a tough time getting even any bites there. I am very new at fishing, this is only my second summer of seriously pursuing it and I am absolutely loving it. Being new, I am never sure if I am doing things right so this is what I tried at Shade's Mill out of my canoe. I have tried mepps spinners overtop the weeds and around the tree trunks --> nothing I have tried weedless softbait through-out the weedsd --> nothing In the deeper spots i have tried jigging with a twist tail --> nothing In the deeper spots I have also tried the top water baits as well as a couple sinking crankbaits --> nothing So finally I went to live worms and caught panfish, but not what I was after Thanks for any help
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