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bass boater

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  1. Hey John, Thanks for your vote of confidents. I can see by my comments that the truth hurts certain individuals, thus the removal of my post. It seems that they can dish it out but they can't take it back. Anyways, I guess I should not have mentioned the name of one of the contributors to this site, but I really hate being stereotyped because I own a bass boat that I am one of those guys who have no consideration for the small crafter. This is not true at all, I welcome anyone and any size boat that they can afford, at least they are out there participating in water sports. Since my post was taken off this site then to be fair I feel that fish farmers post should also be removed, which original got my back up, and felt that I needed to defend myself and fellow bass boaters. I read the articles on this site frequently and the first comment that I make gets retracted, come on fair is fair, and we should all be free to state our opinions, as what most of what this board is opinions. Before I end this post I would like to draw your attention the video link below regarding boat wake on and off plane. I think that this will conclude my observation regarding smaller wake on plane verses off plane. As you can seen in the first part of the video the 200 HP is throwing a wake while running at a moderate speed, as the tinie crosses the wake it grabs some air. At the end of the video the 200 HP accelerates past the tinie and this time when the tinie crosses the wake it barely leaves the water. Watch the video it is a fact and not just an opinion. Next time you are on the water try it out for yourself. I am not saying that you should not slow for a smaller craft, it is the law, but sometimes slowing can create more of a problem. I think what needs to be looked at more seriously is the wakeboard boats whose design is to create a wake, when they come close to a smaller craft, canoe, they do not slow as was many cases I experienced this past week-end. this is perhaps a post for another time. Safe boating, Bass Boater
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