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Everything posted by JayL88

  1. going on fishing trip across ontario, leaving from windsor and heading up to kenora, will be gone 2 weeks from june 23rd till july 9th, will be leaving from windsor onto kitchener, onto north bay, onto hearst, onto thunder bay and then finally kenora so basically going up the center of ontario to get there (and will be following the shoreline down the western side of ontario to get home) first camp will be in hearst on stoddart lake (just west of fushimi prov. park) will be staying in provincial parks the whole time, (2 days or so at each park then moving on to the next) sleeping giant prov. park is one i know for sure (going there after hearst), the others...not to sure.. just gunna kinda wing it and see what we can find or pitch a tent in the middle of the bush somewhere lol gunna be staying at a fish camp in kenora also. some of the areas we will be fishing are: stoddart lake, lake nipigon, lac seul, eagle lake, white lake and everything in between. anyway the most north ive been in ontario is kingston lol so.... kinda in the dark, basically just lookin for a little advice from locals or ppl who know the area, any recommendations on any other waters we should hit or what we should be targeting up there that time of year, depth, baits, lures, colors, etc. just any advice at all would help alot and be greatly appreciated! thanks to all who reply, cheers!
  2. hey was just wondering if anyones had any luck on the detroit river so far (ontario side), ive seen probly 100 ppl out there but no idea if theyre catching anything only seen 1 guy pull up a pickerel, thats about it, so yea any good news? im thinkin of goin in the casino area (fishin from shore) show some pics if ya got em, let me know what lures or bait u were usin thanks -Jay
  3. hey was just wondering if anyones had any luck on the detroit river so far (ontario side), ive seen 100's of ppl out there but no idea if theyre catching anything only seen 1 guy pull up a pickerel, thats about it, so yea any good news? im thinkin of goin in the casino area (fishin from shore) show some pics if ya got em, let me know what lures or bait u were usin thanks -Jay
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