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Everything posted by JayL88

  1. alright im outta here in 2 hours, will probly get to hearst around 9am friday morning give or take, wish me luck!! will post a full report when i get back
  2. awesome!! glad to hear the fishings good! when we get to hearst friday morning well probly just screw around the cabin for the day, wont do much fishing after all that driving, i think well just want to sit around or nap, will throw a few lines in from shore later in the afternoon and see if we can get into a couple pike but thats it for friday but saturday morning we will be hitting fushimi lake so glad to hear the fishings full force!! im also glad to hear u spotted a few teddy bears too!! lol i plan on filling my camera and defitally lookin to spot some wildlife while up there so thats awesome! thanks for sharin bud! cheers!
  3. looks like were leaving a day early now. ill be leaving windsor wednesday around 4pm to go to my uncles house in kitchener, then well be leaving thursday around 4pm to head out on the trip.. should arrive in hearst around 9am friday morning!
  4. right on! glad to hear the fishings good! howd ya do on eagle lake??
  5. 2 more weeks!!
  6. ill definitely have to look into it! i wouldnt mind a few smallies, thanks bud!! cheers
  7. thanks for the tip, im definitely looking foward to LOTW fishing, i tihnk i got a few buck tail jigs in the box, ill have to double check, i remember a bought a few a couple years back but not sure if i have any left... hopefully
  8. crap... lol i can deal with the mosquitoes, they dont usually bug me but those damn flies...... lol hate em!! and thanks for the spot! itll definitely help cuz like i said once we leave hearst were going to sleeping giant but after that..... lol no idea. we did book 2 days at a fish camp in kenora but once we leave sleeping giant, we will need to find a place to pitch a tent for a day or 2 until we can go there, so may have to check out the spot u mentioned forsure!!
  9. so i hear! and change of plans now too, originally we were gunna go up thru north bay, up the center of ontario to get to hearst but now i guess were gunna be following the quebec boarder up to hearst, gunna add a few hours to the drive but from what i hear, thats the more sceanic route but same plans for the way back, following the shoreline down the western side of ontario back home, probly stop at georgian bay on the way home also!!
  10. i think ill defitally be takin him up on the offer!! lol gunna be up to the uncle tho, takin his truck to pull the boat and hes not a hockey fan so.... lol im sure he wont mind tho!
  11. yea im pretty sure we will be staying in LOTW area at some point and yup we gots a boat so should be fun, im hopin on some sore arms by the end of this trip! lol im sure hell have a couple cans of bug juice on him also so i HOPE were fine...... lol im dreadin those damn bugs already, thank god there will be no flys tho!
  12. yea im sure ill have a question or 2 before i go so ull more than likely be hearin from me! lol exactly 3 more weeks from today and im outta here!!
  13. yea i got tons of jigs, might just grab a pack of darker color fin-s (only got bright colors) and same with the twister tails, main thing im gunna need is muskie lures, other than spinner-baits, i literally have only 2 muskie lures in my box so... defitally gunna grab another buck tail or 2! lol
  14. well looks like i may be stoppin by then! lol
  15. haha wasnt tryin to..well.... maybe a bit lol
  16. oh forgot to ask ya if ya got me phaneufs autograph? lol noticed your pic!
  17. looks like we'll be targeting trout when on eagle lake then, id like to catch a little bit of everything on this trip so i wouldnt mind gettin into some trout!
  18. thanks for the tip bud, seems like every1s unanimous on jigs and minnows, looks like ill need some more fin-s and grubs!
  19. yea honestly i think ive been looking foward to sleeping giant more than anything else, ive looked at a ton of pics and videos and i cant believe the beauty, that alone will probly fill my camera!! lol already went out and bought a new pair of boots, figure ill be doin more hiking than fishing in that area, i without a doubt will be cheaking out every spot you mentioned! thanks for the info!!
  20. wow uve been plannin! lol hell you got me even more excited now! ill be emailing ur reply to my uncle and see what he thinks, u mentioned alot of great spots i wouldnt mind givin a look, i think well defitally be hittin georgian bay on the way back and yea ill definitely post a full report when i get back, will have a ton of pics!! cheers
  21. thanks for the help bud, appreciate it!! ill be shootin ya a line in a little bit!
  22. oh ya i already went and grabbed 3 big cans of muskol at costo lol and thanks for the info on the shop, huge help!! thats pretty much all well be targeting in kenora is muskie so knowing a local shop im sure will help a ton!!
  23. no as far as i know were just passing thru and headin strait to hearst, too bad.. i would have had a local to talk to! lol
  24. nope, goin with my uncle, little bonding time lol he knows the area a bit, he goes from kitchener to hearst once a year but kenora area will be new to both of us, should be a good time, lookin foward to the hiking and scenery more than anything!
  25. yea should be great.. these next 4 weeks wont pass quick enough! lol will definitely be a nice change of scenery from windsor lol
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