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  1. The pro's can care less. As long as they get their free boats and sponsorships is all they're concerned about.
  2. The last atwo definetly are atlantics. The tail is the giveaway just look at the fork in it, brookies have more of a square tail.
  3. JoeG

    Brian Burke.

    Burke had nothing to do with Rask. I think that was either Quinn or Ferguson. They thought they had the next coming of Terry Sawchuk in Pogge and got rid of Rask for Raycroft. Stempniak was invisible here on most nights. It was as if he didn't want to be here and who could blame him. I've told most of my buddies this, there hasn't been a flop in a first overall pick in a while. Won't find out until either Hall or Seguin play but they could possibly be the next Alexandre Daigle. You guys remember him? Then ask yourself if was worth it.
  4. JoeG

    Brian Burke.

  5. My thoughts exactly. Maybe they should do the same with their precious atlantics.
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