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Posts posted by jdm66

  1. While simplistic it is a true statement. The first thing you have to deal with is the bad guys have guns and will not be the ones turning them in if they become illegal. Pandoras box is open you can not close the lid so what works for Canada will never work in the USA. Personally i am glad Canada does not have access to handguns or assault rifles your culture would become more violent and mirror the path our culture has taken. You meaning most people of Canadian culture will not understand the dynamics going on down here. I am good with that it is one of the things I like about Up North people who still have the ability to have hope for a gentler world to live in. Funny thing is if you read Pandoras box once the evil was released inside the box was a small nugget left behind and it was called Hope. I think that nugget can be called Canada too.



    We have access to handguns and assault rifles.They are classed as restricted firearms,which you must take a firearms safety course,as well as a lengthy background check.There are no CCW permits up here,only LEO's and armored truck personel are allowed to carry.Restricted firearms must be trigger locked and kept in a locked case/ or gun safe at all times.You transport your locked cases to the range, have some fun, then they get transported back home.Our pistol magazines are restricted to 10 rounds max,all rifles 5 rounds max.

  2. I agree 100%, what I would really like to see is a "castle law". Because now it seems if you had to defend your family from a home invasion and you discharge a firearm it's going to get expensive in lawyers fees

    Im a strong advocate for gun rights.


    I dont agree with registry at all.


    Even in the case of police being informed ahead of time that you are a gun owner if there is a crime in progress at your home. They should be ready regardless(and im my experience they are)


    Everyone has the right to bare arms IMO (with a few excemptions/violent criminals/mental issues)


    Id even like to see concealed carry(but that will never happen in Canada)

  3. You can put all the bans you want in place and it won't stop anything. The illegal guns and amunition would still flow across the border and into the hands of criminals.Our justice system is in need of a major overhaul as the jail time for the offenders of these crimes is a complete joke.

    Here is my opinion only and I respect that you may not agree with me but please see that all I want to do is reduce gun crime.


    Ban hand guns and the sale and manufacturing of ammo for these guns all together. These things are were the majority of gun crimes are committed with so get ride of them all together unless you are law enforcement. If you can't get bullets then you can't fire a gun


    For long guns, Register them and only allow the sale of the ammo for them that is for your gun. So no buying ammo that isn't the same caliber as the gun you have registered.


    10 year prison term for firing a gun that is not registered to you or using a banned hand gun. ) 25 years if you use a gun in any violent crime wether it was fired or not.


    I know it is a pain in the behind for all the regular, sane minded people that use guns for hunting. However this is really the only way I think you can prevent and eliminate most gun related crime.


    As for the vote. I dislike politics as its all about greasing your friends who gave your party money. Political parties are the biggest crooks in this country. We need politicians with some ----- that do not have a hiding agenda and a whole bunch of paybacks to there money supporters. We need someone to run this country that will do whats best for Canada in the long run. The way it is now is all about how to get elected 4 years from now and not what is best in the countries interest 20, 50, 100 years from now.



  4. Hi Gerrit,congrats on the new job.Is your new employment in Belleville? It sounds like the plant I started at.I worked there for 10 years before transfering to Brockville 18 years ago.Best advice I can give you,as others have pointed out,blacken your bedroom with heavy black curtains or material.Wear earplugs,it helps a great deal.Eat light,fresh fruit,toast, yogurt, cereal.Limit your caffine intake if you can,or you will be waking to make multiple trips to the bathroom.The evening before starting nights,I stay up as late as I can watching Tv,then sleeping in as long as possible.If you have any other questions feel free to PM me. John

  5. Billy Bob is correct, the best way is to keep the battery on a charger during storage.A lead acid

    battery will discharge 5-7% per month, where as AGM and gel batteries will only discharge 1-2% The only way to be sure is to load test, if it drops below 10volts under load it's toast.Storing a battery on bare concrete will NOT damage a battery, that's not going to happen with the materials used in todays batteries. John

  6. Years ago I bought a floater coat, good idea as I fished Lake Ontario solo a lot in colder water. At the time I also duck hunted so I thought the camo version a good colour but there was a warning that the camo version was not approved as a life saving device, enquiring further it seems that to be approved it had to be of a highly visible colour like orange or yellow, made a lot of sense from a search and rescue standpoint and I got the orange. Today I see a lot of vests, especially the inflateables in navy blue, green and black. My question, has the colour issue been relaxed or eliminated ? or are you still required to have proper hi viz vests in addition to the less restrictive, stylish coloured coordinated vests ? Also, vests were designed with size and weight stipulations, 4 adult vests don't cut it if there are 4 on board and 2 of them are small children.




    The bladder that inflates is bright yellow,so you would be visible to S&R.

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