Hey Mike .. met you the other day at the Council meeting. First of all, I'd like to say I am a resort owner on Rice Lake and a VERY AVID ANGLER. I respect your passion, you are fighting for what you believe in .. maybe not for all the right reasons, in my opinion, but YOU believe them .. and I respect that.
I would like to say there was a comment made at that meeting that was uncalled for by someone, that does NOT express the views of all resort owners, although I am here to speak for myself, period.
I read the article in the Northumberland Today and I would like to clarify a few things. First of all, the limits you are talking about, a daily catch .. is also your FULL POSSESSION LIMIT .. therefore .. once your limit is caught, that's it. I find what you are saying very misleading.
Second of all .. we are not after NO LIMITS .. nothing could be further from the truth. The new regs, 30 crappie, I support 100% .... 50 perch, I support 100% ... new regs on muskie, I support 100% ... new slot size on walleye, I support 100% ... extended season to Dec 15 for bass, I support 100% ... sunfish, I can support a limit when there never was one but do firmly believe that the recommendations of the council should be adhered to on this one ... extended 12 month fishing season (FOR ANY SPECIES) I strongly oppose. It encourages walleye poaching .. sorry to say but thats a fact! There were stories at that meeting yesterday that there was a 33" walleye and a 9 lb walleye caught through the ice .. these fish were released but obviously kept out long enough to weigh and measure. The chance that harm was caused to them is extremely high, they should have been released immediately.
Although I do support the extended bass season, it also allows for walleye fishermen to poach, yet again. And we can say that poaching doesnt happen but we know that it does. The extended season also opens the door to further walleye and even bass poaching in the spring ... now no one can question why the bass boat is out there in May, can they?
You also make it sound like you approached us after the meeting in an effort to give us new ideas on how to run our business. Let's set that record straight .. WE approached YOU in an effort to be friendly and show some simple manners. You offered an idea to me ... I should consider allowing people to fish off my docks for $5 per head. Now .. let me see .. we have 12 cottages and enough car parking for those 12 cottages plus trailers from their boats and enough dock space for those registered guests to use. There is no extra space , either in the parking lot or on the docks nor is there a central toilet facility for these "daily" visitors. My guests feel completely comfortable leaving their fishing gear in their boats or beside their cottages at all times. At $5 per head, I cannot justify policing things never mind the investment of thousands of dollars for a simple toilet facility.
It is my opinion that the extended season MUST be stopped .. it WILL ruin the lake and believe it or not, my MAIN concern IS THE LAKE!!!!!!! Which we do not own nor have we ever stated that we own .. another misconception that YOU keep putting forth.
In our conversation in the parking lot yesterday, it was apparent to me that one of your main goals is for winter walleye fishing on this lake. This was made evident by the comment of one of the gentlemen in your group when he said that the walleye population in Rice Lake could support a winter fishery. Looks like we have another Lake Scugog on our hands!
I wonder if your followers understand that you are basically trying to shut down a business that brings almost $400 million dollars (as per the most recent posted stats, 2006 Ministry of Toursim data for County of Peterborough and County of Northumberland, total tourist spending) into the economy of this rather small region. This is the equivalent to shutting down GM in Oshawa ... many jobs as well as tax dollars are at risk. Tourist spending supports not only the few resorts on the lake but gas stations, restaurants, liquor stores, beer stores, movie theatres, grocery stores, drug stores, walmart .. to mention a few. I wonder how many of you have wives and children that work at these establishments and how many of them will be impacted as the ripple effect begins to take hold.
You seem to be under the impression that winter fishing will compensate for the loss of summer business. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only income to the area will be day trippers who bring a bag lunch and a thermos .. and gas up before they leave home. And I would like you to know how deeply our pocket is lined with gold ... so much so that I have had to drive a school bus for extra income while my wife worked for minimum wage .. sounds pretty darn golden to me! You tell us to get off our lazy butts and advertise .. we have spent on average $10 - $15 thousand per year on advertising .. if that is not enough, then what???
You seem to have all the answers, Mike .. well come on over and make me an offer. You know who I am. Let's see if YOU can do better. Shall I get the "sold" sign ready?
In closing, watch the economy of the surrounding areas collapse when we all shut our doors and walk away ... because Mike, as much as I respect your passion, its mis-guided.
Randy Cogar, Resort Owner .. NOT hiding behind a false name