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Everything posted by Steve_R

  1. Hi Just looking for a fishing partner to fish the Thames river around London on Sunday for some smallies... Steve
  2. I herd there are very few cottages on that lake..not much fishing pressure? Thanks for your Help Randy. Steve.
  3. Hi, Im going to be heading up to Red Cedar Lake in the martin river area and staying at Mountian home lodge. I was just wondering Hows the fishing up there in Aug l know its good bass fishing..but l was wondering how the pike fishing is and is there any muskie in that lake? And also has anyone ever stayed at that camp before? Thanks for your help Steve.
  4. Thanks for all the info
  5. Hi all...l know its early but im just wondering if anyone ever stayed at Birch Hill Camp on Lake Nosbonsing we will be heading up there in June and again in Aug. And also whats the fishing like in that lake? is it a deep lake? Thanks for your help. Steve.
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