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Mayor of Rice lake

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About Mayor of Rice lake

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Good area try grape Island and betweeb Black and spook south side along that channel ths Mayor
  2. Last year the walleye were still hitting pretty well in late July but went into a bit of a slump in Mid August. The bass have been stung pretty well by this time due to tournaments pan fishing is almost always very good I hope I havn't disapointed you but believe in telling the truth. also this is another year who knows what is going to happen No matter what you will catch fish The Mayor
  4. Never thought I would say this but well put Mike my friend and I still have a plan that is a win win situation for everybody I am still going to push for it the number is not 300 and not 500 either but a substancial limit no more mud slinging from this side.THE MAYOR
  5. Mike Ron what I said inside that meeting was right on the money I won't repeat it on this thred but if you fellas would like I would be more than happy to meet you and as many of your followers as you like and repeat it any time Ron you know me and my family we won't back away from any chalenge the other side don't look all that bad been there a couple of times and back if you believe in something you should be willing to pay the altimate ptice post time and date I will be there. yes I know Mike if I don't see you your not there.please don't send me your picture of yourself in the mirror with your head inbedded you know where.
  6. MR.American Sir I am glad you buy your bait in Canada no matter who you buy it from I am also glad you buy a Sportsman lic. I never believed in a conservation Lic. for a non resident ever when a Canadian goes out of the Country there is not a whole menu of lic to purchase and that is the way it should be of. As far as buisness goes I have enough to last me a life time actually to much I have been retired since Nov. 11 1990 and I just want to do more fishing and hunting so you go ahead and quote anything you feel you must
  7. First of all to tell the truth here your leaders failed to present themselves properly. They walked into a meeting with a bunch of pails trying to make american harvesters look bad but there efforts back fired on them. General public the only thing they got out of it was fifty fish died and were wasted to make a point, Even though I as well as others know these fish could still be used for consumption. from all the calls and e-mails I recieved from that picture in the paper calls as far away as Oshawa all they cared about were the fish they felt were wasted.I didn't feel it was my place to correct them yous caused the mess.After the picture of the packaged fish appeared which I got credit for but was someone elses Some councilors said that had put things in better precpective.I talked to my friend on this matter the one with the fish he is a resort owner but does not write on this site we came up with a plan that would be a win win plan for all parties involved. all we need is a meeting with the minister which I am working on know I have met with Minister befoe Dave Ramsey when he was in power.. To my American responder the only thing I have had a turn about on is the ice fishing and if you are a panfisherman fron the U.S. you probably bring your own bait anyway as for Billy Bob I think your jealous when was the last time any body thought enough of you to refer to you any more than just BILLY BOB OR WILLIAM ROBERT
  8. I am in this for the money talk to any body who sells bait if they tell you they havn't scratched to make a living I don't believe they are telling the truth and I will tell you I have worked my self to death in this buisness once and thanks to modern medicine and the grace of God I have been given a second life. I fought against ice fishing before it opened why would I if I was only in it for the money. When I seen all the people get off their couches including myself. families out on the ice. skating barbecueing and having a great time my daughter included.People asked me every day if it was only last one year I assured them I would fight like hell to keep it open. It had not one thing to do with money.Why I am refered to respectfully as the Mayor of Rice Lake. is because of the people in our area call me when they see boats on the water in the off season or see any thing going on on the lake that may be suspicious. I analize the sitiuation and respond to it in a proper manor weather a call to the police or M.N.R. I have even had people call me to get holes fixed on the road in front of their houses. I also just spent two days at the sportsman show pushing ice fishing ice huts and I don't even own a personal hut I don't believe I will make much off of any ice hut rentals I wonder why I
  9. I am in this for the money talk to any body who sells bait if they tell you they havn't scratched to make a living I don't believe they are telling the truth and I will tell you I have worked my self to death in this buisness once and thanks to modern medicine and the grace of God I have been given a second life. I fought against ice fishing before it opened why would I if I was only in it for the money. When I seen all the people get off their couches including myself. families out on the ice. skating barbecueing and having a great time my daughter included.People asked me every day if it was only last one year I assured them I would fight like hell to keep it open. It had not one thing to do with money.Why I am refered to respectfully as the Mayor of Rice Lake. is because of the people in our area call me when they see boats on the water in the off season or see any thing going on on the lake that may be suspicious. I analize the sitiuation and respond to it in a proper manor weather a call to the police or M.N.R. I have even had people call me to get holes fixed on the road in front of their houses. I also just spent two days at the sportsman show pushing ice fishing ice huts and I don't even own a personal hut I don't believe I will make much off of any ice hut rentals I wonder why I
  10. I will have you know Mike Brown I do support Ice fishing I fished Rice almost every single day I fished more this past winter than I have in my whole life I also believe their should be a pan fish limit what that number is I don't know.I also know our CO made the statement our lake Rice Lake was the cleanest lake left after the huts were removed. How ever when people try to mis represent them selves I will speak up if telling the truth makes me a big mouth so be it. I can tell you for a fact our fish presentation was liked and excepted a lot better than yours People really believe your fish were going to be wasted so i guess you should take a good look at trhe littlr picture at the bottom of your little write up Michael Ferguson
  11. Irish field did you say Ron's a poacher well you fellas ought to inform the M.N.R. they may wany yo keep an eye on that boy this is my last post till after the next meeting good fishing everybody The Mayor
  12. Randy is a good person. My comment was directed at four people only sorry for the misunderstanding I am not a miserable person but when people show up at a meeting trying to influnce people with deciet weather it be fishing or anything else I will intervine. Had they have not tried the pail stunt which I will be overturning in the newspaper come Monday have already contacted the press. I would not have eaposed them for their real agenda. I do not represent The Rice Lake Tourist Acc. in any way shape or form I have resinged from the board so I can deal with this in the same manner Mr. Brown and company are doing it I would never involve a well respected Acc. in this type of gutter fighting The Mayor
  13. I do not represent any accociation I represent myself. its you and I Mike The MAYOR
  14. ReplyI also heard the comment made at yesterdays meeting and I believe it was right on the money The avid fisherman are in my eyes some of the most crooked people in the mix here your group yesterday consisted of at least one poacher one crook your perch was caught in lake simcoe very legal no problem till one of yous tried to enter one of the fish in a small Rice lake derby. This person was under suspicion right from the start he lost any way by a rice lake fish we won't question the integrity of that. also have witnessed one of your group filling five gallon buckets of crappie. ask your group which one of them were holding the spear or the light many evenings around Idelwyld and goose creek. Every one of you know one in one thousand Canadians fish blue gills What was said about you and your group hating Americans was exactly the truth if you and your group had of entered the room in your hat and sheet. instead of your pails for that ridicoulous presentatiom.One of the councilours even rolled there eyes at that so that is the weight you carried with that council. I would have respected you fellas alot if you had of just represented yourselves honestly Have a nice day Mike and I will be at every meeting to expose your little group Mayor of Rice lake
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