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  1. If you want to delete someones account that's up to you - it's still your turn.
  2. Nice try Roy Your turn now!
  3. You want asinine? I'll give you asinine. They must be selling the moose meat! Nobody could eat that much.
  4. Two Americans come to Ontario for a vacation - one shoots a moose and after he cleans it he takes home 1000 lbs of meat, the other catches a few hundred bluegill and after he cleans them takes home 100 lbs of fish. One is a true sportsman and the other is a greedy slaughterer. Which is which? You again
  5. The RLTA uses the same methods to apologize that everyone else uses - either our hands or our mouths are employed for that purpose. This is fun. Your turn!
  6. Sorry - I thought this was a discussion board
  7. Are they the same 'thousands of anglers' who signed the online petition? Angler's petition Keep in mind that a couple of those names are RLTA members. Speaking of 'the half dozen RLTA members,' their petition is... RLTA's petition Just trying to keep score.
  8. After reading this thread again I had to comment on this one... Ice fishing on Rice Lake was a huge success this winter, at least what I saw. Families were out there enjoying the fun and they caught some nice perch too. The crappie were harder to come by but some fishermen caught a few good sized ones at night. I heard of more than one ice-hut being moved because all they could catch were walleye, and one of my neighbours caught a 33" walleye last weekend, he thought it was a carp at first! Best of all when the season ended on Monday all the ice-huts on my part of the lake and over to Bewdley were gone, way to go! But... Thousands of fishermen Michael? Not this year, dozens maybe, but no thousands. However - if there was a winter walleye fishery... Have fun out there! Islander
  9. Hi, I'm new here. I have lived and worked on Rice Lake for decades now and have read these posts with interest. Some things I've noticed... Since when is the MNR all-knowing and considerate of tourism, basing their regulations on pure science - Spring bear hunt? There NEVER EVER were any limits for panfish on Rice Lake before January 1st 2010 and from what I have learned the populations of these fish in our lake are among the largest and healthiest anywhere - I have always been able to catch bluegill > 8" which is a good size. I have seen LESS fishermen on the lake in the past few years and the local businesses are quieter than they used to be, some places have closed and others are barely hanging on. Do the bluegill on Rice Lake need protection NOW before they are wiped out? They did just fine when there was lots of fishermen, why now? Do the small businesses that cater to fishermen need protection from Big Brother (MNR) and homespun conservationalists trying to protect fish that don't NEED protection? It seems that way to me. Have fun out there! Islander
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