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Rob Hyatt

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About Rob Hyatt

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  1. Hello everyone. I don't post very often,but I have to throw out my 2 cents on this.Great post T.J.Q!!! I have been fishing this lake since I was a young boy and have made my living fishing for the last 25 years.I have seen many changes to this lake over the years,some good ,some not so good! I sat on the PAC committee as an "Angler at Large(along with Kevin and many other wonderful knowledgeable people)The 2 walleye limit was the lease painful of the 37(i believe)options that were put forth by the M.N.R and some of the PAC members. I've had to answer many questions and reply to many comments about these new rules,and most people will tell me how my business is going to suffer and then complain about the natives gill netting. My business may suffer,I don't know.I survived the limit going from 6 to 4 then the slot limit,shorter seasons,and now 4-2.Fishing success for me is not measured by getting my limit.I enjoy getting out on the water,its an investment in yourself,its a social event.The best part of fishing for me is SETTING THE HOOK.I have never had a hook set that I didn't enjoy,and I don't care if its a pike,perch,bass,herring or walleye,everyone is awesome! As far as gill netting is concerned,everyone needs to understand that the natives will always be able to gill net Lake Nipissing.The M.N.R could close this lake for recreational fishing and the native people will still be able to gill net.Its a fact of life , and the finger pointing analegy has to stop!I can tell you that the N.F.N and Dokis First Nations are on side and have made and will continue to make positive changes to the way they fish.Having said that, we as recreciational anglers,must change our ways also.Slot sizes and limits are in place for a reason and EVERYONE should be following the rules!We will only be able to have a properous fishery if we ALL work together! I am personnally disappointed with the way the M.N.R has managed the lake over the last 15-20 years,and with shrinking budgets and less staff I really don't see things improving in the future.The Lake Nipissing Stakeholders Assoc.is trying to ramp up our Walleye Restocking efforts and the M.N.R can't even make a decision in a timely fashion to let us proceed.I had the opportunity to visit a Walleye Aquacultural Facility on Manitoulin Island this summer,they successfully are raising Walleyes from egg form to 7.5" fish within 6 months,bypassing the critical period for them to become food for other preditors.The M.N.R has granted us a license to take 2 million eggs a year for as long as I remember.We would like to take 6 million this year and release them at different stages throughout the spring,summer and fall.If you are interested in what we are trying to do,please visit www.lnsa.com. This is my 2 cents for what it's worth.Happy Fishing and BASS Regards. Rob Hyatt.
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