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Posts posted by lifeisfun

  1. So thanks for all the suggestions and I went with the Gaxlaxy s II. I am really loving this phone and will never go back.


    I want to protect the phone, so I was looking at the Otterbox Defender. If anyone has this case please let me know what you think of it? And, Any suggestions on good apps? Thanks.

    I have it on my Desire and it SUCKS - the rubber slips of tthe hard shell :(

    BTW, great choice on the phone ! :)

  2. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=58643

    I believe they were available for purchase at the Chicago Musky Show


    Shimano Tranx reel at Chicago Show




    Here's some info from Shimano re: the Tranx introduction and events at the Chicago Muskie Show...


    New Shimano Tranx reels at Chicago Muskie Show – Muskie anglers will get their first look – and an opportunity to cast and retrieve – Shimano’s new ‘game-changing’ Tranx casting reels at this weekend’s 17th Annual Chicago Muskie Show. It all takes place Jan. 13-15 at Harper College in Palatine, Ill., just off I-90 near O’Hare Airport (chicagomuskieshow.com).

    ‘Hunt for Big Fish’ angler Larry Dahlberg will host a ‘Bucktail Burning’ contest on Friday at 5:30 where anglers can see how the new Tranx reels handle those super-big Musky Mayhem Double Cowgirl lures. Plus the Shimano and G.Loomis sales crew will have some cool ‘schwag’ available – limited edition Tranx reels covers and G.Loomis ‘Skeleton Fish’ t-shirts for qualified purchases.

    Shimano’s Tranx reels are designed to fish big lures for big fish – either burning them fast or working them slow with either the ‘speed to burn’ TRX500HG with a 6.6:1 gear ratio or the ‘power to pull’ TRX500PG with a 4.6:1 gear ratio. Both reels combine Shimano’s X-Ship and HEG technology to provide massive cranking power with a smooth, effortless retrieve. A limited number will be available at the show from selected exhibiting dealers. The Tranx reels retail for $499.99.

    Shimano company and area reps and pro staff will be on hand to answer all your questoins about TRANX.

  3. Never said Apple invented everything. Where did you get that idea? But there is no question they were first to bring the current mobile OS technology to market in a useful way. By doing so, they created something useful. Galaxy, and other knock-offs, are all doing the same basic thing as Apple, rather than come up with their own original ideas.


    As a business strategy, there's nothing wrong with being a follower instead of a leader. If you want to follow a follower, then be my guest.


    You got that wrong they were only the first company that you noticed.

    You will find devices that used that same technology before.

  4. Galaxy's graphic interface (including the whole swiping with your fingers thing) is a dead knock-off of Apple's OS.


    Whole concept of a full-facing touchscreen is also a dead knock-off of Apple.


    Samsung has added some features that Apple omitted, but no question they have taken Apple's approach and tweaked it. They didn't create anything original whatsoever.


    Hehe, that's funny that you think that Apple is the master mind of all inventions :)

    This was a favorite phrase of Jobs:

    "Good artists copy; great artists steal"

  5. I guess most of you recently learned a bit more details on how a nuclear reactor works, so you realize that is quite complicated -if not impossible- to adjust the electricity output in just one hour, just because 1 million light bulbs have been turned off - that's probably less than 1% of the electricity that the reactor/powerplant produces usually.

    For a gas or coal powered turbine, this is pretty much similar: one hour is nothing, even if we'll turn off all our appliances.

    For hydro, it's useless: hydro is green; the water will flow down the river anyway...


    So basically, turning off lights for just one hour has only a symbolic role - we're not gonna save the Planet. Not that way!


    I didn't observe the Earth Hour. Didn't need to, and I'm saving enough electricity in the summer by not using my A/C too often -last year I totaled 8 days of use- and being "green" [once in a while] by riding my bicycle to work - once or twice a week. Not to mention that I'm not a big fan of Christmas lights...


    Somehow, I imagine that during that hour the "smart guys" from the energy sector are just re-routing the power that is not used by the lightbulbs and sell it to some industry sector, so the pollution effect will be twofold: once the emissions for producing the electricity and once more for using that power in some industrial process, which more likely has a significant carbon footprint and possibly produces some byproducts bad for the environment. It's just common sense to assume that this is more likely to happen, since electricity cannot be stored efficiently; once is produced, it needs to be spent immediately.


    Just my 2c.


    Finally some voice of reason - good on you :worthy:


    There is lots of dreamers in other responses (with good intentions)

    but we need to be real and reasonable. the technology is simply not there

    and follow advice that suggest you to save no matter how much it costs is crazy.

  6. That and the Solar program the Liberal forced down our throats is the reason why we should be having a provincial election in May instead of a Federal election.


    McGuinty and Ignatieff now there is a dynamic pair but I must say these two nobs will propel the Conservatives back to power with majorities!!!


    Both McGuinty brothers are same wallbash.gif

    but count Ignatieff is in his own legue whistling.gif

  7. I typically don't fish muskie or have "muskie" gear...I just want to try and see as I have couple of old heavy action ugly sticks lying around and I figured I will give it a shoot in between some bass fishing... I guess my best luck would be trolling 10- 20 ft close to shoreline? What do you guys think

    It will depend on water temperature, lake or river?

  8. That battery is not recommended for deep cycle application:




    OPTIMA BlueTop Charging Information

    The following charging methods are recommended to insure a long battery life - always use a voltage-regulated charger, with voltage limits set as described below.


    BlueTop Type: 34M

    These batteries are designed for engine starting applications. They are NOT recommended or warranted for use in deep cycle applications.

  9. I have the 27b's. Great batteries. I run them hard and alot. They take a beating. I have blown 3 Optimas so far. They never lasted like these. Another great battery is the Natualius from Crappy Tire. They work just as good. The Odyssey batteries are $500 a pop. That would cost me 0ver $3000 just for batteries. I looked at them but so far I will stick with these. Lol. I find that the harder you run these the better they work. If you maintain any battery the proper way they will last for years. One quick note is that you should charge them as soon as possible and not let them sit to long drained like alot of people do.

    You clearly didn't read Odyssey specs., warranty and lifetime expectancy :)

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